Spokane-Rathdrum Aquifer Study Preliminary Project Scope March 2002 Idaho Department of Water Resources Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Idaho Water Resources Research Institute Washington Department of Ecology Washington Water Research Institute
Spokane Valley-Rathdrum Prairie Aquifer Study Stakeholder Meeting At The Dog Track June 20, 2002 What Were We Thinking?
Study Purpose? What questions should the proposed comprehensive bi-state study answer?
What is the size and shape of the aquifer? What are the hydraulic properties of the aquifer? What is the total quantity of water in the aquifer? How does the quantity of water in the aquifer change through time, both seasonally and annually?
What is the relationship between the aquifer and the Spokane River? What are the critical parameters that influence interaction of the aquifer and river? How does the water table determine exchange of water between the aquifer and river?
How much water is currently being withdrawn from the aquifer? What is the water being used for? Where are the withdrawals located? Is there any influence on river flow based on pumping location and amount?
What computer model can we use to describe the interaction of the aquifer and the river and lakes? How do we calibrate a model with observed data? Can we develop a model that will evaluate different recharge-discharge scenarios? Will the computer model be accessible for everyone to use?
Success Achieved the primary study objective of developing a comprehensive knowledge base and accompanying data to provide an improved scientific basis for making wise water management decisions in the future
More Success Can we successfully conduct the study in a cooperative spirit? Can we do the study transparently, in an open public process? Can we distribute information to all stakeholders on a regular basis? Can we hold more meetings?
Failure Can we please break down technical information into easily understandable English? Can we establish information kiosks throughout Idaho and Washington? Can we follow Dave Tuthill’s decision model?
Where will the repository for the data generated during this study study be located? How will the computer model be maintained? How do we develop a long-term monitoring program? How will this study interface with future aquifer research? What’s Next?
What is the sustainable yield of the aquifer? What is the optimum groundwater pumping network that will minimize impacts on the aquifer and river? What can we manage the aquifer to maintain a sufficient base flow in the river? How can the resource be protected until we make water management decisions? What’s Next?
What will the impact of climate change be on the aquifer and river? What are some possible aquifer recharge scenarios? What are some possible mitigation scenarios to increase flows in the river? How would a big earthquake impact water in the aquifer? What’s Next?
What is the extent of regulatory controls on the aquifer and river? What is the compliance rate for regulatory controls? What’s Next?
Can we keep the momentum going? What’s Next?