Camping as Learning III Konza Prairie Manhattan, KS
Destination: Konza Prairie 10,000 acre native prairie preserve 7 miles south of Manhattan KS Free range Bison herd Managed by Kansas State University Nationally known prairie research station
Who 25 Science Scholar students Wyandotte HS 5 Wyandotte staff members When April 27 – 29, 2007
Learning Goals 1.Increase in positive disposition towards environmental biology. 2.Increase in content knowledge in environmental biology. Data to support the above goals: Required student journals will record reflections and learning. Students will also document learning with the production of a PowerPoint presentation on the ecology of the Konza Prairie. Students will also take and pass benchmark tests related to Natural Selection, Environmental Cycles, Ecosystem Energy, Populations, Natural Selection.
Learning Activities Research prairie plots involving ongoing Kansas State University research projects. Students will take part in data collection on the research plots illustrating the effects of burning on prairie. Students will also observe and study a native Bison herd. Students will also visit a large roadside cut near Tuttle Creek Lake and study a fault line visible in the geologic strata.
Itinerary Friday, April 27 th Leave at 8am, Arrive 11am. Lunch. 1pm Konza Prairie session I. 3pm set up camp. Evening campfire dinner. Saturday, April 28 th 2006 – Camp breakfast, AM Konza Prairie session II, PM hiking at the Tuttle Creek Spillway and Fault line, Evening campfire dinner. Sunday, April 29, 2006 – Pancake breakfast in camp. Leave by noon. Arrive at Wyandotte HS by 3pm.
Things to See Bison
Things to See Influence of Burning On the Prairie
Things to See – Geology (fault line)
Building Relationships
Financing & Particulars Estimated travel expenses for 3 days for 30 people - $2700 financed by the Kauffman Foundation Mathematics and Science Grant Rental and personal vehicles of staff members provide the transportation as on previous camping trips. Students apply, are recommended by teachers, and pay a nominal fee of $15 to insure their commitment.