Fargo Flood Control Southside Flood Protection Prairie View Estates Fargo, ND October 2, 2008
1997 Spring Flood – South of Fargo Rose Coulee Red River 25 th Street South Fargo University Drive Moorhead
1997 Spring Flood – South of Fargo Rose Coulee 25 th Street South Cass Co Drain 53 Fargo University Drive
1997 Spring Flood – South of Fargo Cass Co Hwy th Street South Interstate 29 Rose Coulee Wild Rice River Red River Fargo Moorhead
1997 Spring Flood – South of Fargo Interstate 29 Wild Rice River 25 th Street South St. Benedict Cass Co Hwy 16
1997 Spring Flood Areas Inundated With Floodwater and Estimate of Areas Protected by Emergency Measures Interstate Hwy 94 Cass Co Hwy 6 Cass Co Hwy 16 Cass Co Hwy 14 Cass Co Hwy 18 Interstate Hwy 29 Fargo Oxbow Horace Moorhead West Fargo Sheyenne River Wild Rice River Red River Southside Flood Control
Preliminary 100 & 500 Year Floodplains – Red and Wild Rice Rivers Oxbow Horace Moorhead West Fargo Fargo Interstate Hwy 94 Interstate Hwy 29 Southside Flood Control
Provide Protection from overland flooding that threatens the majority of properties south of I-94. Prevent extensive expansion of South Fargo Floodplain and mandatory flood insurance requirement. Provide growth area, helping to keep our region’s economy healthy Southside Flood Control
North Dakota State Climate Office
Preliminary 100 Year Floodplain Southside Flood Control Horace Interstate Hwy 29 Interstate Hwy 94
Preliminary 100 Year Floodplain with Line of Protection Southside Flood Control Horace Interstate Hwy 94 Interstate Hwy 29
Southside Flood Control After Project Preliminary 100 Year Floodplain Interstate Hwy 94 Interstate Hwy 29 Horace
FEMA levees Channel extensions (Red River & drain improvements) Storage inside of project Project Flood Control Methods
Base Project Southside Flood Control Wild Rice River Levee Alternative
Issues Raised With Base Alternatives Red River & Wild Rice River impacts (Higher flood levels) Lost storage (Concern storage impact will simply move impacts upstream) Properties east of Hwy 81 and upstream receive no protection
Wild Rice River Levee Alternative with Channel Extensions & Supplemental Storage Southside Flood Control
Wild Rice River Levees Alternative – Red River Impacts
Southside Flood Control Red River Channel Extension
North Dakota Minnesota Red River Channel Extension Typical Red River Cross-Section
1997 Spring Flood – Burritt Kennedy, Lemke and Harwood Groves Area Red River Fargo Moorhead
32 nd to 40 th Avenue – Floodplain Comparison
Option 1 - River Side Permanent FW Option 2A/2B - River Side Combination FW
1997 Spring Flood – South of Fargo Cass Co Hwy th Street South Interstate 29 Rose Coulee Wild Rice River Red River Fargo Moorhead Frontier
Wild Rice River Area Options Option 1: No Wild Rice River Crossing ($5.5 Million) Option 2 (Base): Wild Rice River Crossing ($15.5 Million) Option 3: Mini-Bypass ($29.4 Million) Option 1 – No Wild Rice River Crossing Option 2 – Wild Rice River Crossing Option 3 – Mini-Bypass
1997 Spring Flood – South of Fargo Rose Coulee Red River 25 th Street South Fargo University Drive Moorhead
Existing 100 & 500 Year Floodplains – Red and Wild Rice Rivers Horace West Fargo Fargo 52 nd Avenue Southside Flood Control University Drive
Preliminary 100 Year Floodplain – Red and Wild Rice Rivers West Fargo Fargo Southside Flood Control 52 nd Avenue University Drive
Insurance is required if: You carry a federally backed mortgage and your home or business is in a high risk area - such as: 100-year floodplain Special Flood Hazard Area or SFHA Area flooded by 1% annual chance flood Flood Zones A, AE, A1-30, AO, & AH National Flood Insurance Program
Flood Insurance High Risk Premium Table Horace Fargo Southside Flood Control
Flood Insurance Moderate to Low Risk Premium Table Horace Fargo Southside Flood Control
1997 Spring Flood – South of Fargo Cass Co Hwy th Street South Interstate 29 Rose Coulee Wild Rice River Red River Fargo Moorhead Frontier
Burritt-Kennedy Sand Bag Levees River Level ft
Burritt-Kennedy Sand Bag Levees River Level ft
Burritt-Kennedy Sand Bag Levees River Level ft
Burritt-Kennedy Sand Bag Levees River Level ft
Burritt-Kennedy Sand Bag Levees River Level ft
Burritt-Kennedy Emergency Earth Levees River Level ft
Burritt-Kennedy Emergency Earth Levees River Level ft
Burritt-Kennedy Emergency Earth Levees River Level ft
Burritt-Kennedy Sand Bag Levees River Level ft
SE Cass Preliminary Assessment District Boundary Southside Flood Control
Southside Flood Control
Water Resource District Assessment District Process Send ballots to all property owners on assessment list. (One ballot per parcel owned) Conduct a project hearing Ballots returned by mail Count all ballots returned (Weighted by amount you pay) If more than 50% of ballots returned vote yes Project proceeds
Preliminary Assessment Analysis Completed by Southeast Cass WRD Reassessment of Benefits As the undeveloped properties in the assessment district get developed, the WRD can reassess the benefits so all properties pay for similar benefits.
Wild Rice River Levee Alternative with Preferred Alignments Southside Flood Control
Project Schedule Development of options east of University DriveApril-June 2008 City Commission Selection of preferred base alternative July 14, 2008 Public input meetingsApril 15 - September 2008 Environmental AssessmentJuly – December 2008 Consultant SelectionJuly - December 2008 Begin DesignDecember 2008 CLOMR SubmittalJuly – December 2008 CLOMR ApprovalMarch 2009 ROW AcquisitionsOctober 2008 – October 2009 PermittingSeptember 2008 – April 2009 Special Assessment DistrictSeptember – December 2008 Begin ConstructionJune 2009 Functional CompletionMarch 2011 Final CompletionJuly 2012
Comment Sheet Southside Flood Control
Questions / Discussion Southside Flood Control