Comenius garden calendar Comenius Project Dynamic Citizens of Europe Istituto Comprensivo «Giovanni Palombini» Roma
April To make a prairie it takes a clover and one bee, One clover, and a bee, And revery. The revery alone will do, If bees are few. (Emily Dickinson)
Name Rosemary Rosemary Sage Sage Melissa Melissa Lemon verbena Mallow Mallow Laurel Laurel Mint Mint Mediterranean plant. It’s a shrub with thin lance- shaped leaves dark green on the front and silver on the back. Mediterranean plant, it is a shrub with green lanceolate leaves and velvety surface. Herbaceous plant with light green leaves and lemon scented. It owes its name to the fact that bees like it a lot. It 'a shrub with light green lanceolate leaves It has an intense scent of citrus Herbaceous plant with dark green palmately lobed leaves. Evergreen tree with dark green leaves. Herbaceous plant with green lanceolate leaves. Aromatic plant digestive, antirheumatic. Aromatic plant balsamic, digestive, anti- inflammatory. Aromatic plant analgesic, anti- inflammatory and relaxing. Aromatic plant digestive, pain relieving and relaxing. Aromatic plant calming, soothing, anti- inflammatory. Aromatic plant digestive, antiseptic. Aromatic plant Digestive, antiseptic. Aromatic and officinal plants in our Comenius garden
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