Family Worship Or – “All-age worship” Or – “You can’t please all of the people all of the time…”
Agenda Biblical basis for all-age worship Models of worship services Cultural issues Practical tips Conclusion Q&A
Biblical basis Exodus 10:9 – worship was to be a family and community activity I Kings 19:19-21 – the importance of partnering and training between the generations Psalm 8 – Not just required, but cause and effect of children praising – silences the enemy Malachi 4:6 – unity between the generations is a key to revival
Biblical basis Mark 9:37 – the importance of welcoming children Mark 10:13-16 – the importance of being like children Matthew 21/Luke 19 – the Triumphal Entry – the role of children and the response of Pharisees
Models of worship services Sunday School model –Children may be in the “main” service for a period of time –Go to separate groups, usually split by age Family Service model –All ages in the service for the whole time –Preach usually pitched accordingly
Models of worship services Separate Children’s Church –May meet on a Sunday or another time –Specifically geared just for children –May have an evangelistic aim Separate Youth Church –Ditto, but for teens and young adults –Usually a contemporary style
So what is the right model? There is probably no absolute right model – just what is right for your church at a point in time Be prepared to hear from God, and CHANGE! Constantly re-evaluate and adapt as necessary
Cultural issues Church attendance has been in decline in many UK churches We live in a “choice” society – if I don’t like it, I can opt out or choose something different Media like TV, Film, the Internet, are VISUAL Patience is no longer seen as a virtue; everything must be instant
How do you change
Practical Tips Explain what we do, and why we do it Be clear in expectations, especially of younger children Be enthusiastic – be a worshipper (“Worship is caught not taught”) Use a variety of songs, and don’t “label” songs as being adult, youth or children’s – blur the edges
Preparation is crucial You will get out of a service what you put in Plan, plan, plan Prepare, prepare, prepare Communicate well between the people with areas of responsibility Practical Tips
If you take away nothing else from this session, take this one thing away…
Hot tip number 1
Hot tip number 2
Visual elements Drama (drama is like pizza) Dances / Action songs Banners Video clips Visual aids – sermon illustrations; notices People – get different people up front and involved
Hear, see, do I hear, I forget I see, I remember I do, I understand
Practical tips Be practical (and pragmatic) about the length of people’s concentration spans –Less is often more Ask for feedback –What’s working and what isn’t? Persevere –Get a vision; communicate the vision; stick with the vision
Conclusion All-age worship is an ideal worth pursing Not easy, but attainable Children and youth are the future of the church and we should sacrifice to serve them Need to hear from heaven – get a vision! Go for it