What is worship and why do Christians do it? Main Learning objectives: Understand worship in terms of appreciating God for who he is Explore the motivation for worship and the importance of engaging the heart Analyse a contemporary worship song Evaluate what is and what is not essential to worship Write a new version of Psalm 100, to demonstrate an understanding of the principles behind Christian worship
Starter Aischrolatry: worship of... Monolatry: worship of... Onolatry: Worship of... Helioatry: worship of... Epeolatry: worship of... Plutolatry: worship of... Autolatry: worship of... Cynolatry: worship of... Ichthyolatry: worship of... Thaumatolatry: worship of... Dendrolatry: worship of… Objects of worship: worship of one god without excluding belief in others; worship of wealth; worship of fish; worship of donkeys; worship of miracles and wonders; worship of words; worship of trees; worship of filth or dirt; worship of dogs; worship of the sun; worship of self. On your worksheet you have a list of terms for different types of worship and a list of objects of worship. Work in pairs to match them up. You have 5 minutes and you can write on the sheet…
The correct definitions are: Aischrolatry: worship of filth or dirt; Monolatry: worship of one god without excluding belief in others; Onolatry: worship of donkeys; Helioatry: worship of the sun; Epeolatry: worship of words; Plutolatry: worship of wealth; Autolatry: worship of self; Cynolatry: worship of dogs; Ichthyolatry: worship of fish; Thaumatolatry: worship of miracles and wonders; Dendrolatry: worship of trees. 1.Why might someone worship someone or something? 2.Choose one type of worship and write a list of ways you might worship that particular thing – the funnier the better!
What is Worship? 1.wor’ship.1. n. Homage or service paid to God, adoration felt or shown for a person or principle 2.v. adore as divine…idolise or regard with adoration, be full of adoration. Worship is a response to someone or something for who or what it is. For Christians, worship is a response to God for who he is and it can be done in a personal or a corporate way. "The chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever." The Westminster Catechism
School of Rock Dewey Finn (Jack Black) is a wannabe rock star who masquerades as his flat-mate Ned Schneebly in order to get a supply teacher job at a prestigious school so as to pay off his debts. Along the way, Dewey begins to teach the class to be a rock band. Ask the students to pay particular attention to Dewey’s explanation of what rock music is all about. Start time: Stop time: What does ‘sticking it to the man’ mean? 2. What emotions is rock music supposed to bring out?
Heart of worship When the music fades all is stripped away and I simply come longing just to bring something that's of worth that will bless your heart I bring you more than a song for a song in itself is not what you have required you search much deeper within through the way things appear you're looking into my heart chorus I'm coming back to the heart of worship and it's all about you It's all about you, Jesus I'm sorry Lord for the thing I've made it when it's all about you it's all about you, Jesus King of endless worth no one could express how much you deserve though I'm weak and poor all I have is yours every single breath
Heart of Worship worksheet Worksheet Questions Why did the Pastor decide to get rid of all the instruments and the sound system? The lyrics say that worship is ‘more than a song’. What happened after the ‘embarrassing silence’? What ways did the church find to worship God personally? What words or phrases does Matt Redman use to express his feelings towards God in the song? What does Redman say he really wants to do? What is the ‘heart’ of his worship? Matt Redman is as passionate about worship as Dewey is about rock in the film. What is the emotion behind worship music? How is worship something personal? What else might Christians do other than singing songs to worship God?
Plenary Read Psalm 100 – a worship song written thousands of years ago… Rewrite it in your own style to make it relevant to the 21 st century: Rap, Hip Hop, Gospel, Pop, even Rock