Hebrews 6
Bunyan in Jail Here he wrote The Pilgrim’s Progress
Corporate Worship Trains God's Pilgrims Not to Quit Until Journey's End 1. Destination and Direction Are Established 2. Warning to the Wayward Pilgrim Is Issued 3. Encouragement to the Enduring Pilgrim Is Assured
Corporate Worship Trains God's Pilgrims Not to Quit Until Journey's End 1. Destination and Direction Are Established v. 1 = maturity v. 9 = salvation v.12 = inheriting the promises vv = beyond the curtain
Corporate Worship Trains God's Pilgrims Not to Quit Until Journey's End 1. Destination and Direction Are Established Get beyond the basics (1-2)
Corporate Worship Trains God's Pilgrims Not to Quit Until Journey's End 1. Destination and Direction Are Established Get beyond the basics (1-2) Depend on a Sovereign God (3)
Corporate Worship Trains God's Pilgrims Not to Quit Until Journey's End 1. Destination and Direction Are Established Get beyond the basics (1-2) Depend on a Sovereign God (3) Walk the path of repentance (6)
Corporate Worship Trains God's Pilgrims Not to Quit Until Journey's End 1. Destination and Direction Are Established Get beyond the basics (1-2) Depend on a Sovereign God (3) Walk the path of repentance (6) Practice love in service (10)
Corporate Worship Trains God's Pilgrims Not to Quit Until Journey's End 1. Destination and Direction Are Established Get beyond the basics (1-2) Depend on a Sovereign God (3) Walk the path of repentance (6) Practice love in service (10) Stay true to the end (11, 12, 18)
Corporate Worship Trains God's Pilgrims Not to Quit Until Journey's End 2. Warning to the Wayward Pilgrim Is Issued
Were the people who fall away (v. 6) ever true believers? Do the consequences include eternal punishment? Two Questions to Define Warning
Yes Were the people who fall away (v. 6) ever true believers? Yes Do the consequences include eternal punishment? POSITION 1 – FALL AWAY FROM SALVATION
Yes Were the people who fall away (v. 6) ever true believers? No Do the consequences include eternal punishment? POSITION 2 – FALL AWAY FROM REWARD/BLESSING
No Were the people who fall away (v. 6) ever true believers? Yes Do the consequences include eternal punishment? POSITION 3 – FALL AWAY FROM FALSE PROFESSION
Corporate Worship Trains God's Pilgrims Not to Quit Until Journey's End 3. Encouragement to the Enduring Pilgrim Is Assured
Matthew 18:19-20 Again I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.
Matthew 6:9-13 Pray then like this: “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
“[T]he Lord's Day service is not simply a time for worship....The purpose of prayer in the service is to stimulate and enhance that daily prayer-life which becomes a 'practicing the presence of Christ.’” Grant Osborne
Prayer Opportunities for Grace Operation Rolling Thunder Every 27th August 1 at City Park Operation Education Prayer in August Weekly on Wednesday and in Worship
Corporate Christian Worship Leaves Room for Lament (5:1-10) 2.
Hosea 7:14 They do not cry to me from the heart, but they wail upon their beds; for grain and wine they gash themselves; they rebel against me.
Crying Seeks God Wailing Seeks Blessings
Crying Seeks GodPersonal Wailing Seeks BlessingsSituational
Crying Seeks GodPersonalDependent Wailing Seeks BlessingsSituationalDemands Control
Crying Seeks GodPersonalDependent Satisfied with God Wailing Seeks BlessingsSituationalDemands ControlUses God
Corporate Christian Worship Leaves Room for Lament (5:1-10) 2.
"There is no pretense in lament, no denial, no withdrawal to some other-worldly reality. There is no romantic effort to reduce the hurt.... [a]nd there is no presumptuous claim to secure human well-being by the mastery of nature. The watchfulness that mourns may provide a corrective to that religious triumphalism that denies the sadness of this world...." Allen Verhy
"If Christians are going to experience the transforming effect of the Gospel, they have to see how it applies to the challenges they face each day. We can help them by singing songs that grieve over sin, sickness, and tragedy and also exhort us to trust in the Savior who is sovereign, good, and wise." Bob Kauflin
Corporate Christian Worship Leaves Room for Lament 2. Psalm 130
Jesus Better Than... Angel s MosesAaron
Corporate Christian Worship Develops Life Skills (5:11-14) 3.
James 3: 1 Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness.
Corporate Christian Worship Develops Life Skills (5:11-14) 3.