Harvest Time Church, Bishop Shelton Bady July 2010
Harvest Time Church VISION: The desired end result. –A people joyfully fulfilling their God-ordained purpose. MISSION: Action taken to fulfill vision. –To make ready a people prepared for the Lord. CORE VALUES: Guiding principles. –We exist for God’s glory; –Evangelism is our number one priority.
Harvest Time Church Goals HTC Goal 1: To present the love of God to our community. HTC Goal 2: To enable people to discover, understand, and enjoy their purpose for living. HTC Goal 3: To enlarge our audience and strengthen impact on new and long-term members. HTC Goal 4: To present biblical answers to our community’s concerns. HTC Goal 5: To enhance long-term leadership and financial security of the church.
Healthy Church Survey Results Harvest Time Church, Bishop Shelton Bady
Foundation of HC Survey Allows for open feedback Anonymous Examines what people think are key strengths and areas of growth/ improvement for organizations.
Results of HC Research 10 Quality Characteristics of Growing Churches –God Empowering Presence –God-Exalting Worship –Spiritual Disciplines –Loving/Caring Relationships –Learning and Growing in the Community –An Outward Focus –Networking and Fellowshipping –Stewardship and Generosity –Servant Leadership Development –Wise Administration and Accountability
Demographical Data Implement survey to determine how church rates on 10 quality characteristics. Administered May 2010 Criteria: Open to any member of the church who chose to participate Computerized participation Hard copy participation Individually answered
72% of the Congregation chose the following trait(s) as one of their “top three strengths of our church.” *God’s Empowering Presence
45% of the Congregation chose the following trait(s) as one of their “top three strengths of our church.” *God’s-Exalting Worship
38% of the Congregation chose the following trait(s) as one of their “top three strengths of our church.” *Stewardship & Generosity
Out of 70 questions, the congregation gave the following specific questions their highest marks: Mean Score: 4.8 out of 5 When we gather to worship together, how well are we as a church invited to engage in giving our tithes and offerings as a reverent act of worship?
Mean Score: 4.73 out of 5 How well does our church encourage prayer for God’s initiative and anticipate that God will act? Mean Score: 4.72 out of 5 When we gather to worship together, how well do we as a church emphasize biblical and relevant preaching? How concerned is our church for lost souls in the our community?
54% of the Congregation chose the following trait(s) as one of their “top three areas in need of improvement.” *Networking with the Body of Christ.
42% of the Congregation chose the following trait(s) as one of their “top three areas in need of improvement.” *An Outward Focus
41% of the Congregation chose the following trait(s) as one of their “top three areas in need of improvement.” *Learning and Growing in Community
Out of 70 questions, the congregation gave the following specific questions their lowest marks: Mean Score: 3.16 out of 5 Do you have the impression that the pastors within our city or town meet regularly enough to pray for and encourage each other?
Mean Score: 3.31 out of 5 How often does our church join area-wide celebrations where Christians from other churches worship God together? Mean Score: 3.40 out of 5 How well does our place serve as a place for supporting the needs of single adults?