Worship Service Survey Results Survey Hosted by July 18 – August
Question #1 – Sunday Morning Schedule Rank the following schedule options from the one that you most prefer (1) to the one that you prefer the least (4). Current Schedule Worship Service 9:00am Fellowship 10:15am Bible Study/Sunday School 10:45am Switch Worship Service & Bible Study Bible Study/Sunday School 9:00am Fellowship 10:15am Worship Service 10:45am The Survey Switch Worship Service & Bible Study(2) Bible Study/Sunday School 9:00am Worship Service 10:15am Fellowship 11:30am Other Schedule Please share your suggestion for a different Sunday morning schedule in the comment box below. Suggestion Box & Comment Box
Question #2 – Wednesday Service Please rank the following option for a mid-week service from the one that you most prefer(1) to the one you prefer the least(4). Wednesday Evening 6:00pm Wednesday Evening 7:00pm Wednesday Evening 7:30pm Other - Please share with us your suggestions for scheduling a mid-week worship service in the comment box below. The Survey Suggestion Box & Comment Box
Survey Responses 28 Surveys Submitted 18 Submitted through the Website 10 Submitted on paper Question # 1 – Sunday Morning Schedule 27 Responded to Ranking 11 Wrote comments in Suggestion Box 14 Wrote comments in Comments Box Question # 2 –Wednesday Service 22 Responded to Ranking 14 Wrote comments in Suggestion Box 15 Wrote comments in Comments Box
Question #1 – Sunday Morning Schedule Rank the following schedule options from the one that you most prefer (1) to the one that you prefer the least (4). Current Schedule Worship Service 9:00am Fellowship 10:15am Bible Study/Sunday School 10:45am Switch Worship Service & Bible Study Bible Study/Sunday School 9:00am Fellowship 10:15am Worship Service 10:45am The Survey Switch Worship Service & Bible Study(2) Bible Study/Sunday School 9:00am Worship Service 10:15am Fellowship 11:30am Other Schedule Please share your suggestion for a different Sunday morning schedule in the comment box below. Suggestion Box & Comment Box
Question #1 – Sunday Morning 27 Responses
Question #1 – Sunday Morning 27 Responses Difference Between 1st and 2nd: 0.03 Difference Between 1st and 3rd: 0.07 Not a Significant Difference
20 Question #1 – Sunday Morning
20 Question #1 – Sunday Morning
20 Question #1 – Sunday Morning
27 Responses 25.9%18.5%37.0%18.5%
Question #1 – Sunday Morning 27 Responses 25.9%18.5%37.0%18.5%
Suggestion Box BS/SS 9 AM Fellow. 10 AM W.S. 10:30 AM A 45 minute fellowship time is too long after a 9:00 A.M. Bible class time. Bible classes 9-10 Fellowship Worship 10:30 (no later) No for Switch Worship Service and Bible Study(2) Bible Class, Sunday School - 9: :00a.m. Fellowship Time :25 a.m. - simple fare, such as coffee and donuts, nothing elaborate Worship Service - 10:30 a.m. 9:00 Sunday School Opening (or) Matins 9:15 Bible Study/Sunday School 10:30 Worship Service 11:45 Fellowship In my opinion, having the worship service first of all makes it the centerpiece of the day -- the first thing we do on Sunday morning. But I will be here any time we finally choose. 9:00am bible study/10:15am worship service. Do away with fellowship time. bible study at 9a, fellowship at 1015, worship service at 1030a.
Comment Box Fellowship time will either need to be held in the fellowship hall during SS or those who prepare it will have to leave SS early to finish with set up in the narthex. If during SS then visitors will most likely not participate. Over 95% of the churches in FS offer a late service. People are not coming to Bethel because of our service times. If they wanted to be in church at a later time, they already would be. The current time was already a compromise. Don't fix what isn't broken. It would be after noon by the time we would get out of church if we had a late service because our services regularly run long. I have no problem with changing schedule as long as Worship Service is no LATER than 10:30 AM Fellowship time should be limited to 30 minutes regardless of where it is, particular if it falls between sunday school and worship which I don't like. It should always be at the end. That people can stay as long as they want or as short a time as they want. Bible class and Sunday school will suffer 9:00 A.M. worship was meant to be a "fix" or change for a limited time only. Like the idea of Sunday School first followed by Worship I think having fellowship between a Sunday School and Worship (in that order) would disrupt service too much.
Comment Box Continued In favor of changing worship to follow bible classes I do like the idea of changing the order of Bible Class and worship service. This will not please some of our people but I believe if we do change it will be ok as everyone learns to adjust. changing it would make it more the norm If you place fellowship between bible and worship some members will miss part of service cleaning up or have to stay after worship to cleanup when everyone else is going home. Not fair to them. I of course would be happy to leave as it is, but agree that to try something different wouldn't be all bad. Only concern is losing people that don't like change. The option that I like best is for Sunday school to begin first. That way, if someone is running late, they will miss a bit of school instead of worship time. I know for myself, if I am running late for church, I will not come. If I was running late for school, I would still come and be there for the whole worship service. Fellowship, I think, should be in the middle of the two. It's hard for children to sit still for long periods, and they look forward to a snack. As adults, we don't always eat breakfast prior to church. Having fellowship/snack time between school and worship is good for us too.
Comment Box Continued I think having a later worship time is going to be necessary for making the Divine Service more accessible to younger families with children and also college students attending UAFS. The 9:00 am worship time was a compromise time and, in my opinion, has not served the congregation well. 9:00 am is too early for people who prefer a later worship service and too late for people who prefer a early service. Personally, I think any worship time after 10:00 am is good. However, I think having the Divine service on the hour or half-hour would be better than having it on the quarter hour. That is why I suggested a 10:30 worship schedule. That being said, I would be OK with either a 10:15 or 10:45 worship service if the congregation chooses one of them. I am very much opposed to keeping the current 9:00 am worship schedule. Finally, I think the morning fellowship time should be last AFTER the worship service. Having the fellowship time last would allow those of us who wish to leave earlier to do so and for people who want to stay and visit to do so without inconveniencing the rest of the congregation. Everyone wins. The current morning fellowship time is dragging on WAY TOO LONG and delaying Sunday School/Bible Class.
Current Schedule Worship Service 9:00am Fellowship 10:15am Bible Study/Sunday School 10:45am Switch Worship Service & Bible Study Bible Study/Sunday School 9:00am Fellowship 10:15am Worship Service 10:45am Switch Worship Service & Bible Study(2) Bible Study/Sunday School 9:00am Worship Service 10:15am Fellowship 11:30am Other Schedule (1) Bible Study/Sunday School 9:00am Fellowship 10:00am Worship Service 10:30am Other Schedule (2) Bible Study/Sunday School 9:00am Fellowship 10:00am or 10:15am Worship Service 10:30am Other Schedule (3) Bible Study Opening or Matins 9:00am Bible Study/Sunday School 9:15am Worship Service 10:30am Fellowship 11:45am Other Schedule (4) Bible Study/Sunday School 9:00am Worship Service 10:15am No Fellowship Question #1 - Summary *Highest Average Rank & Most #1 Rankings
Question #2 – Wednesday Service Please rank the following option for a mid-week service from the one that you most prefer(1) to the one you prefer the least(4). Wednesday Evening 6:00pm Wednesday Evening 7:00pm Wednesday Evening 7:30pm Other - Please share with us your suggestions for scheduling a mid-week worship service in the comment box below. The Survey Suggestion Box & Comment Box
Question #2 – Wednesday Evening 22 Responses
Question #2 – Wednesday Evening 22 Responses Difference Between 1st and 2nd: 0.23 Difference Between 1st and 3rd: 1.64
Question #2 – Wednesday Evening
22 Responses 25.9%18.5%37.0%18.5%
Question #2 – Wednesday Evening 22 Responses 40.9%45.5%0.0%13.6%
Suggestion Box 6:00 PM Wednesday Evening Bible class 7:00 PM worship 6:30 would be a good time--people have time to eat but the whole night isn't gone when you get out. Saturday evening 6:30 Wednesday at 6:30 Probably would not attend many Wed services, except during Advent & Lent I have no suggestions, unless it would be service at 6:30. I think 7:30 is late--especially for families with children and 6:00 is early for people who work. Have a more contemporary service. Using the bible to find answers to current probless in our lives and society. Live as a Christian and be an example but not judgemental. would prefer to stay with a bible study format rather than worship service.
Suggestion Box Continued For now, we live in [out of town] and drive to Fort Smith for services. During the school year, it is hard to come to a later service time, due to needing to get [… ] home and ready for homework/dinner/bed time. I am flexible though, as we usually had/have our Lenten midweek services at 700pm. *edited to conceal identity 6:30 pm would be another good time, better than 6 or 7:30 pm. #2-6:30, 6:00 too early for working people
Comment Box 6:00 is not enough time between most people's work hours and dinner time. I regularly attend the Lent and Advent services, but probably would not go to an every week night service. Lent and Advent seem like special seasons of the year. That might get lost with a change. I will be here whatever time At this time there is not enough interest. Check again after Advent and lenten services to see if non sunday worshipers show up. Would prefer a shorter 30 minute service. I am afraid that some may treat this as an alternative service and skip the Sunday morning services in a routine bases. What will happen to the Bible study we currently have going on Wednesday evenings? This survey was difficult to navigate. No directions on how to rank choices. With any of these choices, I am concerned that Bible Class (if we have it on Wed.) will get started late and thus end quite late.
Comment Box Continued I would probably prefer an earlier Wednesday evening service at 6:00 pm since it would work best with my work schedule. I get off of work at 5:30 on Wednesdays and could go straight to church afterwards. I would be more likely to attend on a regular basis if it were earlier rather than later. However, I don't really have a strong opinion on this matter. earlier is better for those that need to go to work early and elderly that don't see so good at night. Will lose bible study. Not sure would get participation to support it Some might see it as an alternative rather than additional. When will we have bible study? My only concern would be that not a huge turn out for a midweek service, due to people not being used to going on Wed night. I think it would be a great idea. I love the fellowship time with my church family, as well as the worship time. Would we have communion on Wed nights as well as Sunday mornings?? Good idea, our Advent and Lenten services are better attended than weekly Bible Class. 7:30 too late for families with young children
Question #1 – Sunday Morning 27 Responses 25.9%18.5%37.0%18.5% Question #2 – Wednesday Evening 22 Responses 40.9% 45.5%0.0% 13.6%
Current Schedule Worship Service 9:00am Fellowship 10:15am Bible Study/Sunday School 10:45am Switch Worship Service & Bible Study Bible Study/Sunday School 9:00am Fellowship 10:15am Worship Service 10:45am Switch Worship Service & Bible Study(2) Bible Study/Sunday School 9:00am Worship Service 10:15am Fellowship 11:30am Other Schedule (1) Bible Study/Sunday School 9:00am Fellowship 10:00am Worship Service 10:30am Other Schedule (2) Bible Study/Sunday School 9:00am Fellowship 10:00am or 10:15am Worship Service 10:30am Other Schedule (3) Bible Study Opening or Matins 9:00am Bible Study/Sunday School 9:15am Worship Service 10:30am Fellowship 11:45am Other Schedule (4) Bible Study/Sunday School 9:00am Worship Service 10:15am No Fellowship Question #1 - Summary *Highest Average Rank & Most #1 Rankings
Wednesday Evening 6:00pm Wednesday Evening 7:00pm Wednesday Evening 7:30pm Question #2 - Summary Other (1) – Wednesday Evening 6:30pm Other (2) – Saturday *Highest Average Rank & Most #1 Rankings *Suggested 7 times in Suggestion Box