By: Bennet Hoffman Erin Calamari
4 main islands-Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu Volcanic Mountains Little arable land Navagable rivers Influenced by China and Korea Isolated by ocean
Effects Military gain- escape invasion and cultural assimilation Trade was easy- economy flourished Vast coastline- allowed naval protection Fish is a big source of Japanese diet
Yamato- old Japanese word for Japan Western Honshu Known for Burials, kofuns, of great kings Formalized Shinto religion Prince Shotoku- devoted his efforts to the spread of Buddhism and Chinese culture in Japan
One of the world’s oldest religions “The way of the Gods” Center on the worship of or respect for animist nature spirits known as kami Sayings To do good is to be pure. To commit evil is to be impure. To admit a fault is the beginning of righteousness.
Used iron tools for cultivation Burials of kings Japanese Taiko Drums Kofun; keyhole-shaped tombs
Buddhism was accepted Shinto religion was formalized Kings focused their rule around Mount Miwa (object of worship) Isonokami Shrine at Tenri
Empress Gemmei ordered to move the Imperial capital from Fujiwara-kyō to Heijō-kyō in 708 It was moved to Heijō-kyō in 710 Became the capital city of Japan Established the Nara state
Honshu island Capitol is Heijō-kyō Adopted Chinese models of government-Confucian ideals Taiho Code- set of legal codes which consists both penal and administrative laws
Poetry-Man’yoshu (first large collection0) Architecture- Todai-ji was built (eastern great temple) Emperor Shomu initiated the influence of Buddhism in culture
Shinto beliefs – center on the worship of or respect for animist nature spirits known as kami Buddhism became a main religion Significance : Buddhism was never meant to be a religion, it was meant to be a life choice.
784- new Emperor Kammu transferred the capital to Nagaoka In order to meet the needs of the Japanese government chines idea were “Japanized” Began the Heian reign
What religion was formalized during the Yamato and Nara Periods? What is a major benefit of Japan being an island? What are the burials during the Yamato Period also called?
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