Siga Tabu - 12 ni Epereli, 2015 Sunday - June 12. 2015 Presentation for Centenary Church.


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Presentation transcript:

Siga Tabu - 12 ni Epereli, 2015 Sunday - June Presentation for Centenary Church

Na yavu ni noda dau soli Reasons for giving Na soli, sa dua na gacagaca ni veisoqosoqo lotu kecega me cicivaki kina na veiqaravi ni lotu. Ena Lotu Vakarisito, e vinakata na Turaga meda soli. E kaya o Jisu ena Maciu 6:2 ; “ni ko soli,” sega ni “kevaka o soli.” E vinakata o Jisu meda soli, sega ni ka meda saravi se dokai kina mai vei ira na tamata (Maciu 6:1) Giving or Offering is part of any religious organisation – this is true to all religions. To Christians, Jesus requires us to give. Jesus said to His disciples, “when you give” not “if you give” (Matthew 6:2)! The Lord Jesus wants us to give for the right reasons. Jesus warned His disciples not to give for the sake of being admired by men. “Beware of practicing your righteousness before men to be noticed by them,” He said (Matthew 6:1).

Na yavu ni noda soli….. Reasons for giving……. E vakananumi keda na Turaga ni Kalou na Tamana e raica na i yau tawa raici eda solia. “Ia na Tamamu sa raica na ka vuni, ena sauma votu vei iko,” (Maciu 6:4) Ni da soli, eda sega ni vakuria tiko ga na tobu ni lavo ni valenilotu, eda solia tiko noda iyau ni vakavinavinaka vua na Kalou. Ena veigauna kece eda soli kina, e dodonu me da vagolea tiko vua na Kalou, ka me da vakamarautaka na Kalou. The Lord Jesus reminds us that our giving is ultimately to the all-seeing heavenly Father. Jesus said “When you give... your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you” (Matthew 6:3-4). When we give, we are not simply adding to the Church budget, we are giving up a thank offering to the Father Himself. Thus, we must all give “as unto the Lord.” Our ultimate goal in giving is to please God.

Na soli-ka sa dua na so-kalou Giving is a form of worship E vakavulici keda nai Vola Tabu ni noda tau soli e loma ni Lotu, sa dua nai valavala ni so-kalou. E kaya o Paula: “E nai matai ni siga ni wiki, mo dou dui tugana nai yau eso me tu,” (1Kor. 16:2) Nai matai ni siga ni wiki, na Siga ni Turaga (Siga Tabu) sa siga ni so- kalou (lotu), ka qaravi na tau soli me dua na tiki ni so-kalo. Ni da tau soli ki na peleti, eda sa so-kalou tiko vua na Kalou Cecere. E matata e nai tukutuku oqo nei Paula ni solisoli e tau sa baleti ira nai talai ni Kalou kei ira nai vavakoso yalodina – nai solisoli e gole mai na Lotu, ki na Lotu me baleta na Lotu. Ko sa dau okata tiko li na nomu tau soli me dua na so-kalou? The Bible teaches that Christian giving is an act of worship. Paul said: “On the first day of every week each one of you is to put aside and save” (1 Cor. 16:2). Paul here teaches the Corinthians that their taking up of the collection is an act of worship which is to be a part of their regular Lord’s Day worship. When we put our money in the plate, we are worshiping Almighty God in accordance with His Word. Note well, Paul is speaking here of a “collection for the saints” – this is giving by the Church to the Church for the Church. Did you realize that giving is a part of worship?

Soli ena Galala Noda soli-ka me tau sara ga e na galala. E kaya na Turaga ena Maciu 10:8 “Dou a rawta walega, dou solia walega.” Na ka kece e tu ena noda bula kei na noda vuravura e soli wale vei keda. Ni ko soli, kakua ni namaka mo dokai kina mai vei ira na tamata, ia soli ga ni tu vei iko na yalo e gadreva mo soli ka mo soli ena yalo marau. Kakua talega ni soli ni ko namaka e dua na ka ena qai salamuria mai. Na reki e dau yaco vei ira era dau solisoli sai sau uasivi duadua, ena nodra sa vakamarautaka tiko na Kalou era soli tiko Vua. Nai sau uasivi ni yalo ni solisoli vakaoqo sai koya na reki vakayalo kei na veivakalougatataki tawamudu ni Kalou. Our giving should be free. Jesus said in Matthew 10:8, “Freely you received, freely give.” All that we have is from God, and He commands us to give freely. We ought not to expect something in return as if we are looking for approval or honor before men, but simply because we have the privilege of being able to give. To give freely is to give not expecting or even desiring some temporal personal benefit in return. The joy comes from the act of giving in Jesus’ name, period, because of the joy and glory it brings to Him. The by-product of this selfless attitude is joy and eternal blessing.

2Korinica wase 8 :1-15; 9:6-11 2Corinthians 8:1-15; 9:6-11 Ko ira mai Masitonia, sa taumada nodra soli ira Vua na Kalou. Nodra soli-ka sai yaloyalo ga ni nodra soli bula Vua na Kalou. Ia ko ira mai Korinica, era sa maqosa ena veitavi vakalotu e vuqa, ia e leqa nodra bula ni soli-ka “Dou vakacavara sara na ka dou a tekivuna.” The Macedonians gave their lives first to God Their giving illustrate their commitment to God The Corinthians on the other hand excelled in everything but lacked the heart of giving “Finish what you had started.”

2 Koronica 9:5-11 2Cor. 9: Kor. 9:5-11 E a nodra gagadre dina sara mai Korinica me ra soli-ka ki na Lotu Era a yalataki ira kina; ka toso vinaka sara na kena itekivu Lai oti e dua na yabaki, sa sega ni toso ka naulu sobu; baleta era sega ni gumatua kina ka ra nakita mera lokuyarataka Sa mani sega ni yacovi rawa na isolisoli era a yalataka taumada 2Cor. 9:5-11 The Corinthians had made a pledge to give to the Church They had started well with much enthusiasm But after a year, they were either slackening or play delaying tactics (I’ll give my money to something else …..or I’ll just keep it) - Resulted in an incomplete collection

E yavutaki ena dua na i vakavuvuli ni teitei Based on a farming lesson 2Ko. 9:6 Tea vakalailai, tamusuka vakalailai; tea vakalevu, tamusuka vakalevu Ke ko tea e vica wale na itei, namaka ni na vica wale na ka o rawata Soli-ka e na kena yalo dina, ena yalo e galala kei na yalo e rekitaka Ni ko soli-ka vua na Kalou kei ira na leqa tu, kakua ni qumia na ligamu, ia dedeka, kakua ni namaka me saumi lesu vei iko (Vakarua 15:7-8) 2Cor.9:6 Sow sparingly, reap sparingly, sow bountifully, reap bountifully If you plant a small crop, expect a small harvest. So go ahead and give intentionally, voluntarily and cheerfully. When giving to God and the poor, don’t tighten your fist but give with open hands (Deut. 15:7-8). Don’t expect to be repaid.

Tea vakalevu – tamusuka vakalevu, tea vakalailai – tamusuka vakalailai Sow more – reap more, sow less – reap less

Sa dua na sala ni vakatubu i yau vakayalo It spiritual investment lesson Na soli-ka Vakarisito, sa dua na vakatubu i yau vakayalo. E na lesuvi iko, na luvemu kei na makubumu na kena veivakalougatataki. Ia qarauna: Kakua ni soli mo namaka mo vakalougatataki kina vakalevu, ia soli ga vakalevu baleta sa levu nomu vakalougatataki. Ni sa levu ga na ka e soli vei iko, solia tale ga vakalevu vei Koya a solia. Christian giving is a spiritual investment. What you give will be doubled in spiritual blessings for you, your children and grandchildren Warning: Mind your motive - don’t give more to receive more blessings, but give more simply because you’ve already received much blessings. Your giving is an expression of your appreciation. Blessings is God’s.

Na yalo dina ni soli-ka Vua na Kalou. The right attitude for giving 2Korinica 9:7 Mera dui solia me vaka na ka sa vinakata ko koya ena yalona. Lewa rawa se vica o via solia ka biuta vakatikitiki e veimacawa/vula? Me kakua ena voraki. Sega e na dela ni cudru se vosakudrukudru Me kakua talega ena yalo e vakasaurarataki. Mo kila na kena inaki, e vagolei kivei, ia mo soli ena yalovinaka. Kakua ni soli baleta era sa soli o ira oya. Soli ni ko kila ni dodonu ga mo soli. Sa itavi ni lewenilotu yadua e vuravura me dau soli. Nanuma: “Ko koya sa soli ena marau, sa vinakata na Kalou.” 2Crinthians 9:7 Each one must give as he has made up his mind. Decide what you intend to give, and put it aside as your offering. Not reluctantly, grudgingly or out of sorrow. Not under compulsion or out of necessity. Not: “because others are giving, I must also give.” Every Christian is required to give for the Church. Remember: “God loves a cheerful giver.”

Sa rawarawa vua na Kalou me vakaiyautaki kemudou God is able to match you with all your needs 2Korinica 9:8, E da dau kaya: “Ke’u sa soli, sa na sega ni dua na ka e vo vei au!” E sauma o Paula, ni rawarawa vua na Kalou me vakalevutaka vei kemudou na ka ni loloma kecega, me tu vei kemudou ena veisiga kecega na iyau kecega e yaga ena ka kecega (t.8) Nanuma na yalewa ni Sarifaci (1King 17:10-16). 2Cor.9:8, Paul answers the age-old fear: “If I give, I won’t have enough left for me.” God is able to make all grace abound so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound (v. 8). Remember the woman of Saripheth (1King:17:10-16).

Vakaiyautaki mai vua na Kalou Enriched with supplies from God Na Kalou, ko Koya sa dausolia na sila vua na dauteitei kei na madrai me kakana, ena solia vakalevu vei kemudou (t.10) Mo dou vutuniyau kina vakalevu ena ka kecega, mo dou ia kina nai loloma kecega (t.11). Na Kalou, o Koya sa vakavutuniyautaki keda ena ka kecega vakayago, ena vakavutuniyautaki keda talega ena veika vakayalo. God, who supplies seeds to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seeds….(v.10) You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion (v.11). God the supplier of our physical need will surely supply us with our spiritual needs

Eda lako liga lala mai, eda lesu liga lala tale We came to the world empty-handed, so we will return! Na Kalou e taukena na vuravura kei na ka kecega e sinai kina (Psalms 24) Eda sa ivakatawa ka dauniyau ga ni veika e tu e vuravura (Vktkv 1:26-30) Akeai 2:8, “Sa noqu na siliva, ka sa noqu na koula, sa kaya ko Jiova ni lewe vuqa.” Meda qarauna na yalo ni nanumi koya vakataki koya. God owns the universe and everything therein (Psalms 24) We are just managers, trustees and stewards of God’s goods and treasure (Gen. 1:26-30). Hagai 2:8 “The silver is mine and the gold is mine, declares the Lord of hosts.” Beware of the “mine, mine, syndrome.” (selfishness)

Na kena cava meda taurivaka Which one should we follow Soli Katini? Soli Katini kei na i sigana? Soli yalayala? Se na ka ga eda solia rawa? Tithe? Tithe & Offering Pledge? Or whatever we are able to give?

E soli vei iko na galala ni digidigi You are at liberty to choose E vakatau vei iko na kena mo taurivaka; ia na ka bibi ga me dei, me soli ena kena gauna taudonu ka mo solia ena yalo vinaka ka marautaka. Me sa dau liu taumada nomu tikica tani nomu soli ni bera ni ko vakayagataka nomu ilavo ena veika tale e so Whichever way of giving you choose, it is important that it is consistent, prompt and offered with a cheerful spirit. Make sure you give first to God.

Nomu soli sa i tuvaki ni nomu dina vua na Kalou Your offering is a reflection of your commitment to God Sa vakalalai koya ko Jisu mo rawa ni vutuniyau kina ena veivakalougatataki ni Kalou Segata mo dei tikoga ki na nomu yalayala ke mani veisau vakacava na draki ni bula Ena nomu gumatua ena soli-ka, na tubu vakailavo me vakatakilai ena veika ko solia lesu vua na Kalou. Christ emptied himself on the Cross that you are made rich in heavenly blessings Try to stay true to your commitment whatever the circumstance In your eagerness to give, your rise in wealth must be reflected with what you give back to God.

E bibi na yalo eda soli kina Attitude is important Kakua ni kauta mai vua na Kalou na vovo ni nomui yau. Na Kalou e solia na ka vinaka taucoko vei iko (na bula, na cagi, wai, na yago, vuku, kaukauwa). Kena i lutua ni solia Nona iyau talei duadua: na Luvena ko Jisu Karisito me mate me rawa ni ko bula. Ko na sauma vakacava oya? Don’t give God the leftovers. He gave you all the best things (life, air, water, body, mind, strength etc, etc.) Above all, He offered you the most expensive treasure: His son Jesus Christ who died on the Cross that you may live! How can you repay that?

E bibi na yalo eda soli kina Attitude is important Vktkv 4:3-12 Na Kalou na dauniveibuli sa kacivi rau nai matai ni veitacini me rau vakaraitaka nai vakarau ni nodrau raica na Kalou kei na i solisoli kecega e solia wale vei rau. Na duidui ni vakarau ni yalo e tiko vei rau: - Keni: “eso na vuata.” - Epeli: “ulumatua kei na uro” Sa vakadonui ko Epeli kei na nona imadrali, ia sa sega ni vakadonui Keni se na nona i madrali. Genesis 4:3-12 God the Provider summons the recipients to show their attitude toward Him and all that He freely gave to them. The different attitudes shown by the two brothers. - Cain: “some fruits” - Abel: “fat from some of the firstborns.” The Lord looked with favor on Abel and his offerings but on Cain and his offerings, he rejected.

TARO: QUESTIONS: Ni ko mai lotu, na yalo cava ko lako mai kina? Ni ko lagasere se masu, na yalo cava ko qarava kina nai tavi oya? Ni ko tau soli, na yalo cava ko soli kina? Nanuma, ni da soli, eda sa lotu tiko vua na Kalou. Joni 4:24 – “A yalo na Kalou, ko ira sa lotu vua e dodou me ra lotu vakayalo ka vakaidina. When you come to church, what attitude do you come with? When you sing, pray, or give you offering, what kind of attitude do you have? Remember, giving is worship. John 4:24 – “God is spirit, and those who worship Him, must do so in the Spirit and truth.