Dionysus Cadmeios of Thebes Jerome Jacobson
3 Part Designation Name – Dionysus Epithet – Cadmeios Thebes God of wine, ecstasy, madness. Epithet – Cadmeios Hill in Thebes where alter was located Thebes Dominant city in Boeotia
Euripides Bacchae Major Characters Zeus Semele Dionysus (Stranger) Cadmus Teiresias Pentheus Maenads Agave
Basic Plot Points of the Myth Zeus sleeps with Semele Dionysus born after Semele’s death No one in Thebes believes Semele Dionysus returns from Asia to restore his and his mother’s reputation Maddens women of Thebes (Maenads) Also Maddens Pentheus to spy on Maenads Agave kills Pentheus Dionysus releases his influence over the maenads
Results Demonstrated his power as a God Crushed all human opposition Dominance over the human mind / world Established in the city of Thebes Semele’s reputation restored Observation from Mikalson: Initially angered and then appeased. Eventually established as benefactor for his cult worshippers
Sanctuaries In Thebes Dedicated to Dionysus Sanctuary # 1: Epithet: Cadmeios Alter and 2 statues Wood / bronze “log” statue Site where Zeus’ lightning struck the ground. abaton Sanctuary #2: Epithet: Lysios “The one who sets loose” Temple, theatre, statue of Semele (plus tomb), Statue of Teiresias. *Major characters of Euripides’ myth had a role in the practiced cult of the Thebans.
Theatre of Dionysus in Athens
Cultic Worship Festivals – Agrionia (Of the Wilds) Arrival of Dionysus, resistance, flight of maenads, Killing of Dionysus’ persecutor, reconciliation. Night time. Aspects of mystery cult. orgia teletai thiasos - The ecstatic retinue of Dionysus, often pictured as inebriated revelers. Many of the myths of Dionysus are connected with his arrival in the form of a procession. Voluntary. No central authority/uniformity.
Cultic Worship Cont.
Cultic Worship Cont. 3rd century BCE Inscription quoting an oracle from the city of Magnesia on the river Meander in Asia Minor. Go to the holy plain of Thebes to fetch maenads from the race of Cadmian Ino. They will bring you maenadic rites and noble customs and will establish troops of Bacchus in your city. Final Thought: Cult elements of a specific place can help us understand the cult realities underlying the poetic reshaping of local foundation myths. In turn, the poetic versions of the myth can bring to life the cultic elements (Mikalson 93).