SIAMS: Key Messages for
Key Players
What happens ? SIAMS and Ofsted decoupled approx 5 years for Good and Outstanding Every 4 years for ‘satisfactory’ One weeks notice : So still a SIB No difference if an Academy
Self Evaluation: ‘And can it be’ My chains fell off, my heart was free, I rose, went forth, and evaluated in a way that worked for my school
Key Questions: The ‘So What’ Inspection and why How distinctive and effective is the school as a Church of England School? How well does the school, through its distinctive Christian character, meet the needs of all the learners? What is the impact of collective worship on the school community? How effective is the religious education? How effective are the leadership and management of the school as a church school?
The Governors Role
How well does the school, through its distinctive Christian character, meet the needs of all the learners? All members of the school community articulate the distinctively Christian Characteristics of the schools values There is a highly developed interpretation of spirituality shared across the school. Relationships between all members of the school community are consistently attributed to Christian values Learners are aware that Christianity is a multi cultural world faith
Collective Worship Collective worship is inspirational and inclusive. It engages all learners and its impact can be clearly discerned in all parts of the school community’s life Theological basis of collective worship Leadership and management : Make sure its planned monitored and evlauted
Religious Education Learners are excited and challenged by religious education. It makes a significant contribution to SMSC and plays a major role in the determining the Christian character of the school In spirit of the Statement of entitlement Secure effective leadership and management of RE
Leadership and management Christian Vision Monitoring and evaluation happens ! Succession planning Links to church Pray