Confess Christ or be cast into hell, Lk 12:4-9 Do not fear men Fear God God cares for you Be bold for Christ
We hope you will confess Christ today Non-Christian…become a Christian Christian…reaffirm your conviction
Jews tried to establish their own standard, Rom. 10:1-3 Zeal without knowledge – denied Christ Ignorant of God’s plan, Rom. 1:16, 17 Established their own way, Mt. 15:7-9 Condemned – unsaved
Christ is the way to righteousness, Rom. 10:9, 10 Acknowledge Jesus is Lord Belief leads to confession, 2 Cor. 4:13
No shame for those who believe & confess, Rom. 10:11 Some convictions lead to disappointments Conviction in Christ does not, 2 Tim. 1:12
Confession is for Jew & Greek, Rom. 10:12 A blessing for all A requirement for all
Part of calling on the name of the Lord, Rom. 10:13 Belief & repentance, Acts 2:21-38 Baptism, Acts 22:16 Fruit of hearing the word, Rom. 10:17
The Ethiopian heard preaching about Jesus, Acts 8:35; Rom. 10:17 The Lamb of God, Acts 8:32, 33 The risen Savior Submission to Him
He believed what was taught, Acts 8:36 Did not argue Initiated action
Philip wanted to confirm his belief, Acts 8:37 Only believers are to be baptized, Mk. 16:16 The eunuch freely confessed
The Ethiopian was immediately baptized, Acts 8:38, 39 Based on his confession Not separate, independent ways to be saved Hearing alone does not save Belief alone does not save Confession alone does not save Baptism alone does not save
Some believe but are unwilling to confess, Jn. 12:42, 43 Men really did believe Did not confess because of consequences
Some believe but are unwilling to confess, Jn. 12:42, 43 Leaves one separated from God Cannot please men & Christ, Gal. 1:10 Christ comes first, or not a disciple, Lk. 14:26 Confess even if family divided, Mt. 10:32-39
Some believe and confess, but are not saved Demons believed & confessed, Mk. 1:24 Some men believe & confess, but… Will not obey, Heb. 5:9; Mk. 16:16 Will not live faithfully ∙Immoral, Rev. 2:12-14 ∙Not committed, Rev. 3:14-17
Confess Christ or be cast into hell, Lk 12:4-9 Do not fear men Fear God God cares for you Be bold for Christ
We hope you will confess Christ today Non-Christian…become a Christian Christian…reaffirm your conviction