Series: Influencing our World for Christ “ Completely Changed ” Acts 9:10-30.


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Presentation transcript:

Series: Influencing our World for Christ “ Completely Changed ” Acts 9:10-30

I. We are Challenged to Change (v10-19). A. Challenge (v10-12). B. Concern (v13-14). C. Comfort (v15-16). D. Commitment (v17-19).

I. We are Challenged to Change (v10-19). A. Challenge (v10-12). B. Concern (v13-14). C. Comfort (v15-16). D. Commitment (v17-19). II. We are Called to Confess Christ (v20-22).

I. We are Challenged to Change (v10-19). A. Challenge (v10-12). B. Concern (v13-14). C. Comfort (v15-16). D. Commitment (v17-19). II. We are Called to Confess Christ (v20-22). III. We are Compelled to Connect (v23-30).

I. We are Challenged to Change (v10-19). A. Challenge (v10-12). B. Concern (v13-14). C. Comfort (v15-16). D. Commitment (v17-19). II. We are Called to Confess Christ (v20-22). III. We are Compelled to Connect (v23-30). A. Opposition from Without (v23-25). B. Opposition from Within (v26-30).