Message: The True Fellowship Lives in Confession to God February 10, 2013
False Claims Refuted False Claim #1: You can have fellowship with God while walking in darkness.
False Claims Refuted False Claim #2: You can have fellowship with God while claiming to be without sin. Why is this a false claim? Because…walking in fellowship with God who is light reveals that we ‘do’ sin.
False Claims Refuted False Claim #3: You can have fellowship with God while claiming to have never sinned. Why is this a false claim? Because…walking in fellowship with God who is light reveals that we ‘have’ sinned.
2 Ways We Fall Victim to These False Claims 1)By continuing to live with unconfessed sins. 2) By rationalizing away the need to confess past sins.
Reasons We Believe The False Claims 1)We deceive ourselves. 2)We do not have God’s truth in us. 3)We call God a liar. 4)We reveal that God’s Word has no authority in our lives.
The Definitive Mark of Walking in the Light Those who walk in the light live in continual biblical confession of their sins as the only means of remaining in fellowship with God.
Biblical Confession literally means ‘to say the same thing’. Agreeing with God about your sin. Biblical confession is identifying what is wrong (sin), and who is responsible (us).
Requirements of Biblical Confession Requirement #1: Biblical confession requires that you say the same thing about your sins that God says about your sins.
Requirements of Biblical Confession Requirement #2: Biblical confession requires that you know what God says about your sins.
Requirements of Biblical Confession Requirement #3: Biblical confession requires that you confess your sins specifically.
God’s Response to Our Biblical Confession 1)God responds with faithfulness. 2)God responds with justice and righteousness. 3)God responds with forgiveness. 4)God responds with purification.
Your Response Do not cover your sin Do not hide your sin Do not call your darkness - light Do not claim that it is not sin Confess Your Sin