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A.He fears that Betty’s reputation will be destroyed. B.He knows the idea of witchcraft will cause mass hysteria. C.He fears that his enemies will destroy his reputation D.He firmly believes that witches do not exist.
A.1692, 1902 B.1692, 1952 C.1776, 1952 D.1952, 1692
A.Confesses to witchcraft. B.Accuses Abigail of witchcraft. C.Stands mute. D.Threatens Reverend Parris.
A.Abigail B.Mercy C.Mary D.Tituba
A.Abby and Betty B.Betty and Ruth C.Mercy and Mary D.Susanna and Mary
A.Was named by Elizabeth Proctor in court. B.Put a curse on Goody Putnam C.Could not recite the 10 Commandments. D.Slept in a ditch.
A.Love and admire her. B.Believe her to be honest. C.Respect her devotion and faith D.Fear her power to accuse them.
A.Protect Mary Warren. B.Tell the court that Abigail’s story is pretense. C.Announce publicly that he believes in witchcraft. D.Ask the court for forgiveness.
A.The villagers might rebel against his authority. B.Perhaps innocent people are being accused. C.Rebecca Nurse did murder Goody Putnam’s babies D.Most of the villagers are bewitched by the devil.
A.No longer believes in the teaching of the Church. B.He does not see the light of God in Parris. C.He is afraid to go to Salem because of the witchcraft hysteria. D.He will not help pay for the golden candlesticks that Parris demands.
A.His wanting to show the court how much he loves Abigail. B.He is motivated by his desire to save Elizabeth C.Mary Warren tells him to confess D.The court already knows of his affair
A.Using witchcraft trials to steal land. B.Attempting to overthrow the court. C.Condemning his wife for reading books. D.Inciting rebellion in the community.
A.Believes that Parris has orchestrated the trials. B.Feels that the devil will never be driven from Salem. C.Is upset by the way John Proctor has treated Abigail. D.Believes the testimony of Mary Warren and John Proctor.
A.He truly fears for his life. B.He is a tremendous help to the proceedings. C.He is a wretched, cowardly person. D.He is fighting hard to get at the truth.
A.Wanted John to be arrested. B.Feared that John might be hanged for adultery. C.Wanted to save John’s reputation. D.Did not want to hurt Abigail’s reputation.
A.A concern for his own safety. B.Fear of hanging an innocent man. C.Fear that Hale will turn the village against him. D.A desire for his own redemption.
A.He deserves to hang for the sins he has committed against her. B.He has self-respect and knows there is some goodness in him. C.She would rather have him confess to a lie than be hanged. D.Abigail has left the village and freed John from his guilt.
A.To form a rebellion B.To rejoin the court C.To pray with those condemned to hang D.To beg the condemned to save their lives by confessing.
A.Kill himself B.Blame someone else C.Confess even though he is innocent D.Refuse to confess
A.Because the officials demand that he signs his name to it. B.Because Hale asks him to C.Because new evidence has come to light D.Because Abigail confesses
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At the end of Act 2, as his wife is being taken away and many feel that witchcraft is walking Salem, Proctor protests by shouting, “ I’ll tell you what’s walking Salem …v engeance is walking Salem! ” What does he mean by this? How does this one line summarize why the witch trials took place? (Answer in 3 sentences)
Possible Answer: Proctor means that people are using accusations of witchcraft on other people to get what they want. Vengeance will be taken on those people who falsely accuse others. Specifically, Abigail will get what is coming to her for what she has done to Elizabeth and John Proctor.