B: You’ll never guess what happened, Amy! My parents read the text messages and looked at the pictures in my cell phone without my permission. I’m so mad! Bruce is telling his friend, Amy, that his parents read the text messages and looked at the pictures in his cell phone without his permission. (B = Bruce, A = Amy)
A: I can understand how you feel, Bruce, but they were probably worried about you. Maybe they just wanted to find out if your friends are OK or not. B: Yes, but they should trust me, or at least talk to me first, if they are concerned about anything. A: Yes, they should do that. On the other hand, maybe you could be open with them by chatting with them more often.
B: I know, but I need my own space. I’m a teenager, not a baby, and I have my own life. A: OK. But you ought to remember your parents care about you, and don’t forget that they bought you that nice camera phone. B: I appreciate that, but it’s really not the point. They should not invade my privacy. A: I agree. I suggest you talk to them about this problem.
B: You mean, I should tell them never to examine my cell phone again? A: Not exactly. I mean you could explain you understand why they examined your phone, but that you would like them to respect your privacy. B: And I think they should trust me more. A: I’m sure you’re right, but for now, it’s best for you to talk to them about this matter, OK? 結束放映
1. text message [ `tEkst &mEsIdZ] n. [C] 簡訊
2. invade [In`ved] vt. 侵犯
3. privacy [`praIv1sI] n. [U] 隱私
1. text message n. [C] 以手機等相關通 訊器材發送的訊息,尤指文字簡訊 以下補充其他類型簡訊: picture message 圖片簡訊 voice message 語音簡訊 instant message 即時通訊息
2. without his permission without (sb’s) permission 表示「未經 某人允許」。相對的, with (sb’s) permission 則表示「有某人許可」。 例: ‧ No one can enter this private area without permission. ‧ You can join the summer camp with your parents’ permission.
3. You’ll never guess what happened.... 此句用於當自己有一令對方料想不 到的事情,且等不及要敘說的感歎 表達法,其後接的是主要的內容。
4....find out [if your friends are OK or not]. (1) find out 為「發現」、「查明」。 ‧ The police have been trying to find out what caused the whole family’s death. (2) if 引導名詞子句作 find out 的受詞。 if...or not 可用 whether...or not 代換。 ‧ Whether you like the idea or not matters a lot to me.
5.... [if they are concerned about anything]. (1) 此以 if 開頭的子句為副詞子句, 不同於上面的名詞子句, if 在此作 「如果」解。 (2) sb be concerned about sth = sb be worried about sth
6. on the other hand 另一方面 on the other hand 為連接副詞,常與 on the one hand 連用。其各連接修飾 的句子表示在同一件事上的不同觀點。 例: ‧ One the one hand, it’s good for you to take one more part-time job since you need to gain work experience, but on the other hand, you may have less time to study.
7....be open with them.... 這裡的形容詞 open 可解釋為「坦 誠的,無隱瞞的」,等於 honest 。
8. I suggest you talk to them.... suggest 表「建議」,其句型如下: S 1 + suggest (+ that) + S 2 (+ should) + V.... 因為 should 的關係, that 子句裡的動詞 一律為原形,且 that 和 should 可省略。 ‧ When I was in high school, my English teacher suggested (that) I (should) speak English with my friends often.
9....I should tell them never to examine.... S 1 + tell + O + not/never + to V.... 此句型表示「告訴某人不要做某事」 ,否定副詞 not 應置於受詞與不定詞 to V 之間。例: ‧ Have I told you not to talk to me when I’m busy working?
10. not exactly 不完全是,不盡然 此用法常見於口語對話時。例: ‧ A: You know what I mean, don’t you? B: Not exactly. 相反地, exactly 則表示「正是」、 「對極了」,常用來表示贊同。例: ‧ A: Do you mean Peter is seeing another girl? B: Exactly.
11....respect your privacy. privacy n. [U] 隱私,個人自由 personal privacy 個人隱私 sb’s right to privacy 某人的隱私權 invade sb’s privacy 侵犯某人的隱私 ‧ I don’t think my personal privacy is always respected in this company. ‧ Whether teenagers’ right to privacy should always be respected is highly debatable. ‧ Most celebrities don’t want their privacy to be invaded by the media.
12. for now = for the time being 目前,暫時