LOCATION The primary location is in a suburban neighborhood or urban area Seven Eleven store or gas station. Mostly from low to middle income people live in this area. Located in a area with different ethnicity from different income families. Heavy traffic during rush hour
LOCATION AND PEOPLE Traffic is heavy in this area, lots of car pass by everyday so many different people would see my work. Surrounding area has lots of different restaurants, so during the lunch time, many people would pass by my work and notice it. There is also a gas station nearby, which brings in more people to notice my work.
REGARDING MY WORK My work would make people think about smoking. The price of one pack of cigarette is pretty expensive, it would make people think if smoking is really worth their money. People know what cigarette does to their health, but my work would question them if it is really worth their money and future state of their lung.
CONTENT Use of black background catches people’s eye, it matches with gloomy feeling regarding smoking and health. Seeing a picture cigarette slowly destroying lung would freak out people. The picture is straightforward and makes smokers think twice about smoking.
TARGET AUDIENCE People around age from 18 to 40. Frequent smokers. People around age 20 and gamers would notice the picture.
MAKE PEOPLE THINK My work is not only about things people already know, but to make people think twice. I would like to discourage smokers from smoking, or at least, make them think about their state of lung and future health.