Chapter 15 Delivering a Speech
Delivering a Speech The Power of Speech Delivery What’s more important What you say or How you say it? Non-verbal Communication Major role in communication process Eye contact, Posture, Vocal quality and Facial expression
Delivering a Speech Listeners expect effective delivery Speak with natural, conversational tone Good eye contact with audience, use appropriate gestures Use vocal variation to eliminate monotone and show interest Delivery methods will vary in effectiveness Depending on audiences Video Clip
Delivering a Speech Methods of delivery Manuscript speaking Advantages Writing out speech word for word Advantages Helps avoid forgetting speech Can choose words very carefully Helps with sensitive/critical issues Disadvantages (without practice) Affects eye contact Can sound monotone Lack of movement/gestures When/where would a person use this method of delivery
Delivering a Speech Memorized speaking Advantages Eye contact with audience Opportunity for strong movement Disadvantages (if not practiced) Lack of energy / sound recited Risk forgetting parts / blanking Video Clip
Delivering a Speech Impromptu Speaking – Off the cuff Advantages Less formal Allows more eye contact Disadvantages Less organization Increased anxiety May cause rambling Video Clip
Delivering a Speech Extemporaneous Speaking Advantages Video Clip Speaking from a written or memorized general outline Using note cards for reference Advantages Conversational delivery (doesn’t seem scripted) Sounds live rather than prepared Allows for adjustment based on time or audience Video Clip
Delivering a Speech Characteristics of Effective Delivery Eye contact Gives you credibility Shows audience they are a priority Allows you to connect with audience Gestures Cultural expectations Inappropriate gestures
Delivering a Speech Characteristics of Effective Delivery Gestures Functions of gestures Repeating Contradicting Substituting Complementing Emphasizing Regulating
Delivering a Speech Characteristics of Effective Delivery Gestures Using gestures effectively Stay natural Be definite Use gestures that are consistent w/message Vary your gestures Don’t overdo it Coordinate gestures w/what you say
Delivering a Speech Characteristics of Effective Delivery Use of movement Video Clip Purpose not distraction Avoid nervous mannerisms Physical barriers Immediacy Transitions Posture – Stance can reflect credibility Stand tall / Don’t slouch Avoid shifting
Delivering a Speech Characteristics of Effective Delivery Facial Expressions Show your emotions Attitudes Smiles connect well with audiences Vocal delivery A strong voice is essential in public speaking
Delivering a Speech Elements of vocal delivery Volume Enunciation Video Clip Volume How loud your voice is (Projection) Enunciation Speaking clearly and concisely Articulation Pronunciation Pronouncing sounds of words correctly
Delivering a Speech Elements of vocal delivery Vocal variety - Video Clip Pitch Speaking Rate How rapidly you speak, anxiety can increase this Pauses Pauses can be effective, use them carefully Silence Effective in emphasizing words or phrases
Delivering a Speech Personal Appearance Appearance distractions Affects how your audience will respond to you Important for first impression Appearance distractions Can take focus away from speakers message What are some appearance distractions
Delivering a Speech Audience Diversity and Delivery Adapt presentation to your audience Avoid ethnocentric mindset Consult with others who have spoken to audience Monitor level of immediacy Monitor your emotional expression Know the code
Delivering a Speech Delivering your speech Get plenty of rest before your speech Review confident speaking techniques Chapter 2 Arrive early Visualize success
Delivering a Speech Responding to questions During Q&A Delivery changes to impromptu speaking To make Q&A less challenging Prepare Repeat or rephrase the question Stay on message Ask yourself the 1st question Listen impartially
Delivering a Speech To make Q&A less challenging Neutralize hostile questions When you don’t know, admit it Be brief Use organizational signposts Indicate when the Q&A period is concluding