Questions and Exclamations Ashley Hamlin December 8, 2011 * Click the sound icon on each slide to hear narration.
Class Background Nardin Academy o Private, Catholic o Buffalo School District Nicole Wright First Grade
Student Background Seven students in reading group Middle reading group o Roughly same ability in reading and math No students with IEP’s
Introduction First unit of the school year Already learned: o Capitalizing first word in sentence o Statements are telling sentences Purpose of this lesson: o To become familiar with questions and exclamations in print and apply correct punctuation
NYS Standard Common Core Standard: ELA L.1.2b CCR Anchor: Conventions of Standard English Strand: Language (L) Grade: First Grade Standard: 2. Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing o b. Use end punctuation for sentences.
Objectives With assistance: o identify characteristics of questions and exclamations o identify the type of sentence and write the corresponding punctuation Independently: o correct the punctuation of questions and exclamations
Essential Question Why is it necessary to use different types of sentences while speaking and writing?
Enduring Understanding Statements, questions, and exclamations have different purposes. They allow the speaker or writer to convey meaning and requires a different type of response from the listener or reader.
Guiding Questions What are the different types of sentences we use? What is the purpose of each type of sentence? How do we know which type of sentence is being used? What type of punctuation ends each type of sentence?
Student Tasks Input/Modeling o identify similarities and differences between questions and exclamations Guided Practice o identify the type of a sentence, and write the correct punctuation Independent Practice o correct punctuation of given sentences and write a question and an exclamation
Pre Assessment Tool
Post Assessment Tool
Questions and Exclamations Rubric 4321 Capital Letters All sentences start with a capital letter AND no mistakes within the sentences. One sentence doesn’t start with a capital letter OR one other mistake. > one sentence doesn’t start with a capital letter OR more than one other mistake. > one sentence doesn’t start with a capital letter AND > one other mistake.
Questions and Exclamations Rubric 4321 Punctuation There are no mistakes in punctuation There is one mistake in punctuation There are two mistakes in punctuation There are more than two mistakes in punctuation
Questions and Exclamations Rubric 4321 Sentences Both sentences express a complete thought AND are of the correct type. One sentence is not a complete thought OR one is not of the correct type. One sentence is not a complete thought AND one is not of the correct type. Neither sentence expresses a complete thought.
Questions and Exclamations Rubric 4321 Letter Formation All letters are formed correctly AND are spaced correctly on the lines. One or two letters are not formed correctly OR are not spaced correctly on the lines. More than two letters are not formed correctly OR are not spaced correctly on the lines. More than two letters are not formed correctly AND are not spaced correctly on the lines.
Distinguished Student Work Rubric Score: Capitalization: 4, Punctuation: 4, Letter Formation: 4, Sentence Generation: 4
Developing Student Work
Rubric Score: Capitalization: 3, Punctuation: 3, Letter Formation: 4, Sentence Generation: 3 * Assessed after corrections
Modifications Moving from seats to floor Sentence strip Venn diagram Choosing who reads each characteristic Varied prompting during SMARTBorad activity
Reflection Extension activities o Finding examples in print o Online game Online game Modification table Vocal inflections while reading