Friday, October 12, 2007
2 Library space is important to graduate students 64% University of Minnesota grad students rated library space as very or somewhat important as a place for research and study. NYU LibQual+ and interviews at NYU indicated grad students’ high expectations for, and vocal disappointment in, library space. Graduate students need, and typically don’t have, offices.
3 Some graduate student space needs are straightforward Comfort Personal space (me and my computer) Stability, security, storage
7 Some graduate student space needs are more complex Stimulation/Inspiration Community Shared interests Cohort Assistance
13 Some key questions What really works as library spaces for graduate students, and will this be what is needed 10 years from now? What elements/ services can turn pleasant spaces into intellectually stimulating, energizing and supportive communities? Do graduate students need different online communities beyond or within those created for scholars already active in a discipline?
14 What really works as library spaces for graduate students, and will this be what is needed 10 years from now?
15 What elements/ services can turn pleasant spaces into intellectually stimulating, energizing and supportive communities?
16 Do graduate students need different online communities beyond or within those created for scholars already active in a discipline?