Environmental Aesthetics
Natural Environment
Add a New Component to the Environment A Building! Can we make this addition a POSITIVE one ?
Architects Modify the Environment An Existing Environment A Modified Environment Building or settlement Add a New Component to the Environment
The Built Up Environment A Modified Natural Environment Building or settlement: A Man Made Environment Controlled Environment Impacts on Building Impacts on Environment s
The Built up Environment
A Modification to the Built up Environment A new building
A Modification to the Built up Environment A Modified Natural Environment Settlement: A Man Made Environment Impacts on settlement Impacts on Environment s A new building A modification to the built environment Impacts on settlement Impacts on Building A new building
Environmental Architecture The Architecture that Interacts positively with its Environment, achieving an environment appropriate for human living, in the present and in the future. buildings Impacts on Environment maximize positive Impacts minimize Negative Impacts example: Hurgada Coral reef! Environment Impacts on building maximize positive Impacts minimize Negative Impacts Green Architecture …. Sustainable development
Environmental Architecture sciences Environmental conservation Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Environmental Aesthetics Environmental control Climatic Design Lighting sound and noise control psychological effects of the built environment Man made/ natural Environment Interaction Site Planning landscape Architecture Environmental Aesthetics
Environmental Aesthetics What is Environmental Aesthetics? A part of environmental sciences that concentrates on the Aesthetic values of the environment -Conservation of the Aesthetic values of Nature and Built enviroment visual- vocal- smells- textures- tastes,… - Creating Man Made environments with high Aesthetic Values buildings and built environments man made land features: gardens, forests, lakes… - Composing a visual harmony between the building and its environment. Building within nature Nature within building
Harmony with nature and landscape
Gardens: Nature in Man Made Environments
Formal Gardens
Environmental Aesthetics Art, philosophy and science Art: design buildings and Landscape components to achieve a harmonious existance with environment. Photograph, draw and paint natural scens to get the sence of beuty in them. Philosophy: Aesthetics and Understanding beauty Aesthetics and Ethics Science: Good Understanding of Environmental science is essential for understanding the environmental Aesthetics