Introduction and Upper Respiratory Tract Prof. K. Sivapalan
Function of Respiratory System 22013Upper Respiratory Tract
Upper respiratory tract 32013Upper Respiratory Tract
Airways Air reaches lungs through nose, pharynx, trachea, bronchi which are kept open by cartilage [muscles can obstruct] Broncheols [d < 1.5 mm] have no cartilage and change diameter in response to transpulmonary pressure and smooth muscle tone. Smooth muscle responds to adrenergic, cholinergic and many other agents Upper Respiratory Tract
Airway Resistance 52013Upper Respiratory Tract
Function of the Nose- Airconditioning 62013Upper Respiratory Tract
Vocal cords are open during breathing. On phonation, the vocal cords move towards each other and vibrate as air passes through. Frequency- tension and thickness. Articulation- lips, tongue and soft palate. Resonators- mouth, nose and sinuses. Vocalization 72013Upper Respiratory Tract
Protective Reflexes 82013Upper Respiratory Tract