Introduction to Sociology Mr. Isseks September 14, 2006
Sociology defined and explained Question: What is Sociology? Answer: The Scientific study of human societies and social behavior.
A Systematic Approach Q: Is it a science? A: Yes, sociologists begin their work by proposing questions of importance to them and then designing a research project that will enable them to ascertain the answers to their major research questions. Q: Is it organized? A: Yes, sociological investigations proceed systematically. As a social science , sociology is a discipline that is organized and methodical and it’s endeavors are undertaken for the purpose of enhancing knowledge.
I am not an Animal!!! Sociologists examine groups of humans in an effort to understand the nature, meaning and significance of human group relationships. NOTE: Sociologists are not interested in animal species.
Social behavior Sociologists examine the following: What people do that affect others around them. “things” that people do after they have given thought to how others might respond to their acts, especially when the people are aggregated into groups.
The least we need to know… Sociology seeks to understand how groups work, how groups influence one another, and how groups influence the things that individuals do.
Sociology vs. Psychology Psychology attempts to explain why individuals act, or how individuals influence other’s behavior. Remember, sociology attempts to explain how and why groups act or how groups influence individual’s behaviors.
Sociology vs. Anthropology One branch of anthropology (cultural) shares an interest with sociology in its focus on cultural issues. The other branches, archaeology and physical anthropology are different in their study of relics and skeletal remains to understand peoples of the past.
Dead Sociologists… Sociology is a “young science”... Who were the early sociologists? Why did the French Revolution and Industrial Revolution lead to Sociology?
Project Rubric Rated in these categories: Use of Library Time Obvious Effort Neat, Complete and Organized Clarity of information Ability to “teach” us important concepts and ideas.