Should I take SOCIOLOGY ? A/AS Level
Three areas to consider before I make my decision about sociology: Do employers/universities value sociology ? 1 2 What can studying sociology do for me as a person? 3 Will I enjoy the content of the course?
Employers and Universities The skills that are taught within the subject are very useful in work, study and life. value Sociology.
Independent thinkers. Open-minded. Critical and thoughtful. Able to pick out the essential from the trivial. Organised and disciplined. In this rapidly changing world it is important people are:
Sociology Department Specialist and Innovative Experienced and Enthusiastic Hard working and High Standards Very good Estyn Report and Results
What is Sociology ? Sociology is a social science, a term which covers subjects which study aspects of society. Sociology refers to the study of structures, groups and individuals in society in a systematic way. Sociology challenges common sense, individual opinions about society.
AQA Sociology A/AS LEVEL 1. Family and Households. 2. Education and Methods. 3 Political Sociology. 4. Theories and Methods/Crime and Deviance. Units 1 and 2 are studied in Year 12. Units 3 and 4 are studied in Year 13.
Unit 1: Family and Households Theories of the family History of the family Family Diversity Gender roles Divorce Childhood and old age Social Policy
Do all children have the same experience during childhood?
Unit 2: Sociology of Education Theories In school studies. History of, social policy. Social Class Gender Ethnicity
What is cultural capital?
Unit 2: Methods. Positivists v Interpretivists Sampling and the research process. Quantitative methods. Qualitative methods. Secondary sources.
Unit 3: Political Sociology Political parties, ideology. Voting behaviour Mass Media Theories of the State and Power Pressure groups, NSMs Globalisation
Unit 4: Theories and Methods AS Methods and Science and objectivity Social Policy Structuralists Interpretivists Postmodernism.
Unit 4: Crime and Deviance Defining crime and deviance Theories Crime statistics Mass Media. Class, gender and ethnicity
Conclusion Sociology is lifelong…and all around you…. Values and uses Department and lessons Course content