SOCIOLOGY Is the study of society, human behavior & interaction.
APPROACHES TO SOCIOLOGY Interactionalist: Humans attach meaning to their lives and are shaped by social interaction; communication has symbolic meaning. Symbols can be physical objects, gestures, words, and events.
APPROACHES TO SOCIOLOGY Conflict theory: Unequal distribution of socially valued goods is affected by race, sex, social class, age; causes tension and hostility. Change is an essential feature of society.
APPROACHES TO SOCIOLOGY Functionalism: Each part of society contributes to overall stability of the whole. Most people agree on what is best for society and work together to make that happen. Dysfunctional elements such as crime disrupt society
SOCIALIZATION How humans learn to be members of society; explains the similarities in personality/behavior within groups.
AGENTS OF SOCIALIZATION Family: Most basic unit; provides continuity of language, personality traits, religion, class. School: provides continuity in cognitive skills and indoctrination of values; broadens social experiences.
AGENTS OF SOCIALIZATION Peer group: provides continuity in lifestyles; helps child build an identity separate from family. Mass Media: provides continuity of public information about larger world; details changes to existing social order.