+ Measuring Marriage Happiness How do we measure marital success? Many indicators of marital happiness Overall “global” measures Specific questions on particular areas of marriage How would you measure marital happiness?
+ Measuring Marriage Happiness How do we measure marital success? It is always difficult to predict what will happen in a marriage, but realistically, what do you think the chances are that you and your husband/wife will eventually separate or divorce? During the past year, have you ever thought that your marriage might be in trouble? How often, if at all, in the last year have you had open disagreements about each of the following: A. The childrenB. Spending time together C. MoneyD. Sex E. Your in-laws
+ Measuring Marriage Happiness How do we measure marital success? How would you describe the fairness in your marriage in the following area: The division of household chores Working for pay Spending money Physical violence: “During the past year, how many fights with your husband/wife resulted in: ‘you hitting, shoving, or throwing things at him/her’ or ‘him/her hitting, shoving, or throwing things at you’?
+ Measuring Marriage Happiness How do we measure marital success? NSFH question: Taking all things together, how would you describe your marriage? Very unhappy happy
Surprising Finding? Why might so many people report that they are happily married? Especially when we know the lifetime divorce rate is 50% This is an example of SOCIAL DESIRABILITY BIAS Married couples know they are SUPPOSED to be happy, so they give the socially desirable or socially acceptable answer
+ Summary Sociologists and psychologists have developed many ways to measure marital satisfaction Sometimes they ask one “global” question? Or they use questions about satisfaction in many areas of marriage Sometimes when couples take surveys they give the answer that is socially desirable, which may not be their true feelings