SOCIOLOGY: TOPICS & CHAPTERS COVERED: Ch.1 Sociological Perspectives Ch.2 Culture Ch.3 Socialization Ch.6 Crime & Deviance Ch.4 & Ch.7 Social Class & Social Stratification
CLASS ABSENCES/MAKE-UP ASSIGNMENTS: The District Policy prevails: Class absences will not help your grade; it will only make it harder for you to understand the material and requires you to do much of the work on your own time. If you have been absent from class, it is your responsibility to make up any notes, work missed, or turn in any assignments that may have been due the day of your absence. You are to access the website and print off any assignments and notes missed from the day you were absent. If you do not, you must see me in the morning during activity period the day you return to school or you will receive a zero for the assignment. If you are absent when an assignment sheet is handed out get it from the website when applicable. If it’s a handed out assignment and doesn’t appear on the website and we go over the assignment upon your return to school, you will be considered EXEMPT from the assignment (it doesn’t count for you or against you – but it does make all of your other grades more valuable) provided it’s a legally excused absence. If your absence is unexcused, you will receive a zero for the day’s assignment if applicable. All grades will be a ZERO until you prove otherwise and any grades not recorded by the end of the 9 weeks will be recorded as zeros. TEST MAKE-UPS: This is the responsibility of the student! If an exam is not made up in a “reasonable amount of time” (according to the number of days missed), up to one week upon return to school, you will receive a ZERO for that test. Any grades not recorded by the end of the 9 weeks will be recorded as zeros.
EXTRA HELP, TUTORING: Use the website! It will have everything you need. If, for some reason, it has not been updated or you do not have access at any point, ask your classmates to help you. Friends don’t let friends fail! Once you have checked with the website and/or your classmates, and you need further clarification or assistance, please do not hesitate to come see me! I ask that you make arrangements first. Homeroom: 144 Pd. 1: Prep (S1) Pd. 6: Prep (S2) Pd. 7: Hall Duty (S1) Pd. 2: Hall Duty (S2) You may also contact me via . The school website has a link to my ). Please share this address with your parents as it is the most convenient means of communication for
NOTEBOOK: A course requirement is an up to date class notebook including notes, handouts, experiments, and any worksheets and readings. Make sure all notes, handouts, experiments, worksheets and readings are identified and dated, if you don’t you may lose points. Everything in your notebook should be kept in the order in which we cover the material. It may or may not be collected at any time for a grade and will definitely be collected at the end of the semester. Keep all of your Study of Personality information only in your notebook. Your notebook is your lifeline! =
GRADING POLICY: The school grading policy will be in effect in the class. There are no extra credit assignments given. Points will be accumulated in the following ways: Class projects and lab experiments Homework (must have a name, date, & period on it – if any of the three are missing points will be deducted) Test/Quiz scores – tests are points. Notebook Class participation – 1 point per day. Readings & blogs All late and incomplete assignments will incur point deductions and may result in a ZERO. If you are found to be cheating, you will be given a zero for that work and you will be turned into your grade level principal for further disciplinary action. This class may be a challenging course but you will get a lot out of it if you put a lot into it! I will do my best to help you learn as much as possible but I ask that you make a strong effort as well.
1. RESPECT everyone and everything in the classroom. Stay focused! (11. All Hempfield Area rules and policies are in effect.) 10. Class is over when I dismiss you!! (Don’t act like dogs) 9. BE ON TIME TO CLASS! 3 strikes = detention assigned. 8. You are all young ladies or young gentlemen; you will be treated as such when you act as such. 7. Have all of your materials for class every day! If you don’t, you may lose points & detention can be assigned after 3 strikes. 6. The hall pass is not to be abused. Sign out, get back! 5. KEEP OUR ROOM CLEAN! 4. Classroom discussion is encouraged! One at a time, relevant to the subject matter. Show respect for each other (see #1). 3. This is SOCIOLOGY, which means you are to concentrate your efforts on just that. You are not to work on other subject assignments during class. Purses & book bags are to be placed on the floor. Full cooperation is expected! 2. Think before you speak!