Social Media and Tourism What is Social Media The Internet has fundamentally reshaped the way tourism-related information is distributed and the way people plan for and consume travel..
Social Media and Tourism In recent years, two “mega trends” have noticeably emerged on the Internet, underscoring changes that can significantly impact the tourism system
A domain can be defined as a collection of all informational entities about a specific subject. In the context of the Internet, a domain is the collection of links, domain names, and Web pages that contain texts, images, and audio/video files stored in hypertext formats. The online tourism domain can, therefore, be understood as comprising all such informational entities that relate to travel.
TripAdvisor Online social travel networking is also changing the way tourists plan their trips.These websites allow users to interact and provide reviews on hotels or on local tourist attractions. Some examples of these websites are, Travellerspoint,WAYN, Woophy, Passportstamp, and The latter is probably the largest travel community on the Web. It was founded in 2000 and currently covers hotels, over destinations,and attractions worldwide.
Video sharing
Social network -A wordwide travel community where real travelers and locals share real travel advice and experiences. - Travel deals and quides are also available on this site.
Social network (continued) -An online community for meeting travelers and sharing travel reviews,photos and blogs. - Travel planing with travel reviews,hotel reviews,hotel reservations,travel photos,travel guides all easily shared with friends and family.
Social media strategies Great websites