Introduction EDG/EDL 510 Labor-Management Relations in the School Setting
Arbitration Problem Read the case Gather in groups of three (with two other classmates that you don’t know) Agree on answers to the questions at the end of the case If you were the District (Association) would you bring this case to arbitration? Why? Why not? What is your alternative?
Conduct of the Class – Let’s Eat! How do we want to handle dinner on class nights?
Introductions Who am I? –At Le Moyne since 1982 –Department of Anthropology, Criminology and Sociology –Work and Employment Relations Program –Mediated, done Fact Finding, Arbitrated and been Hearing Officer for over 100 cases including over 60 school districts in CNY –How to reach me Who are you?
Class Requirements Readings –Most in Hannaway and Rotherham –Most others (all required ones) on electronic reserve –Few Optional ones not Final Exam Simulations Scheduling Issue – April 1 and April 15 In addition – suggest alternatives
Conduct of Class Expect you to come every class having done the reading and being prepared What if you have to miss a class? Class conducted on interactive basis Don’t talk elsewhere about what any of your classmates report
Definitions What is a union? Is it different from an association? How? What is collective bargaining? Similarities and differences with regard to other kinds of bargaining?
Next Time History and Background of Teacher Collective Bargaining Reading –H&R Introduction –Kahlenberg in H&R