Excellence Network of research centers in Human sciences on the Mediterranean area 1/10/2004 Maison Méditerranéenne des Sciences de l’Homme REMSH 2 – NoE FP6
The MMSH is the coordinator of a Network of excellence project gathering high level competences in social sciences and Humanities of North and South Mediterranean countries. It continues the work undertaken within the FP5 Euro- Mediterranean Thematic network in Human sciences (REMSH 1). Network of the Mediterranean area
The urgent need for an analysis of the Euro-Mediterranean area The Mediterranean is a zone of tension strongly influenced by the European integration process. The U.E. is enlarging towards the East, but has partners in the South. The Mediterranean zone is concerned by the globalisation process, regional specificities and its historical heritage. Grasping the political, cultural and human dimension of the Euro- Mediterranean area needs more than sole economic management. Network of the Mediterranean area
The REMSH Network of excellence is designed to become a main European force of research, production and dissemination of knowledge on the relations between Europe and the Euro- Mediterranean area. This network associates 45 research and dissemination institutions from 14 E.U. and associate countries and 11 Mediterranean partners. It gathers a wide range of competences in Human and social sciences : sociology, ethnology, political science, international relations, history, geography, archaeology. Network of the Mediterranean area
exchange and circulation space Scientific and Cultural Use and Dissemination The Mediterranean space of civilisation Training Tools of Integration Territories, Powers and Societies Program of activities Tree research topics MemoriesExchangeConflicts Diversity of exchange in the Mediterranean area: cultural, Human, informal economy Human space of proximity and conflicts Memories and transmissions of social and technical models Tree research topics Summer Schools Mobility scheme PhD Training - Publications - Multimedia products / Web Site - Exhibitions - Conferences - Information for large public Dissemnation Databases Digital Cartography Bibliographic network Web Site (Extranet) Tools of Integration
Dissemination results Integrated scientific and strategic reflection force on the Euro-Mediterranean area disseminating its results towards: International scientific community European commission (support Euromed partnership policy) Large public, local and national authorities and networks of civil society Network of the Mediterranean area
Research centers and universities of REMSH 2 Network