Critical Infrastructure Vulnerability
Cyberspace: The New Realm of Warfare
1. Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS) Attack
2. Potential Attacks
Threats in Cyberspace 1.Hacktivism 2.Cybercrime 3.Cyberespionage 4.Cyberwar 5.Cyberterrorism
Cyberterrorism Definition 1.Political agenda 2.Use of computers and cyberspace to disrupt or destroy (may or may not lead to deaths) 3.Civilians as targets 4.Publicity 5.Non-state actors Traditional Terrorism definition: 2. Use of violence
Al-Qaeda Younis Tsouli Irhabi 007
Two Questions 1.Can anyone do significant damage with a cyber attacks? Cyber 9/11?
2. What does a terrorist group achieve with a cyberattack that they can’t with a conventional attack?
The Nature of the Internet: Strength and Weaknesses Resiliency Redundancy Wireless Vulnerabilities and flaws can be corrected Vulnerabilities Flaws Espionage Reliance on private sector
Cybersecurity 1998: PDD-63 Critical Infrastructure protection (For more, see PDD-63 addendums here)PDD-63here 2003 US National Strategy to Secure CyberspaceUS National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace 2003 HSPD-7 Critical Infrastructure Identification, Prioritization, and ProtectionHSPD-7
2008 Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative (CNCI)(CNCI) 1.Identify attacks 2.Public-Private partnerships 3.Information sharing 4.Exercises 5.Vulnerability assessments 6.Coordination 7.Counterintelligence
US Cyberspace Policy ReviewUS Cyberspace Policy Review, 2009 National Security Adviser Deputy Nat’l Security Adviser Special Assistant for Cybersecurity Homeland Security Council National Security Council National Security Staff NSC Principals Committee NSC Deputies Committee Information and Communications Interdepartmental Policy Committee
Other US Policy Documents US National Strategy for the Physical Protection of Critical Infrastructures and Key Assets, 2/2003US National Strategy for the Physical Protection of Critical Infrastructures and Key Assets, US National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace, 2003US National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace US Department of Homeland Security National Infrastructure Protection Plan, 2006 National Infrastructure Protection Plan Cyberterror, White Paper 1999, Center for the Study of Terrorism and Irregular Warfare (excellent US government-sponsored research on the issue)Cyberterror
Exercises Cyberstorm I berstormreport_sep06.pdf berstormreport_sep06.pdf Cyber Storm II sd_cyber_stormII_final09.pdf sd_cyber_stormII_final09.pdf Cyber Storm III September 2010Cyber Storm