Internet Safety/Cyber Ethics
What are cyber ethics? Ethics are the rules you use in life to help you decide what is right and wrong. Cyber ethics is how you act when you are on the computer.
The Fun Side of the Internet Learning/Research Playing games Staying in touch (e-mail) Shopping Travel arrangements Downloading music Checking the weather Pay bills
Netiquette: using good behavior in cyber space Watch your language (written language) ALL CAPS = Shouting Emoticons = Show emotions Do not send angry or insulting e-mails (This is called flaming.) Always think about your audience (all online communication is public)
It’s not unethical to make a mistake. However, if you do, correct it. Did you? Download music illegally? Give out a friend’s web/e-mail address? Offend someone? Give out personal information? Copy software from a friend? Correct it. Buy a legal copy Tell them so they can change it Apologize Tell an adult Buy your own rights or your own copy
The positive side of e-mail Talk to friends Keep in touch with far away relatives Share information
The negative side of e-mail SPAM – Phishing is the term used for e-mails which try to scam you for money, sell you things, or give your computer viruses. Viruses – Information sent to your computer to corrupt your hardware. Identity Theft – People try to persuade you to give out personal information so they can access your life.
Protecting your (and your friends’) e-mail account Don’t give out your e-mail address to anyone you don’t know. Don’t give out friends’ e-mail addresses without their permission. Don’t share your password. Don’t read other people’s e-mails without their permission. Don’t forward e-mails just because they say to forward them. You could be sharing viruses.
Generation @: INTERNET ETHICS Web Pages Blogs My Space Face Book You Tube Podcasts E-mail These items are all accessible by the general public. Everybody can read what you write. BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WRITE! Anything you post can be held against you in a court of law!
How to Protect Yourself DO NOT GIVE OUT THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: Address Phone # Social Security # Birthday/Age Other people’s information School Name Your Interests
Terms you should know:
Teasing or harassing someone online Cyber bullying What is it? Teasing or harassing someone online What do I do if I am being harassed? Do not respond. This only perpetuates the situation. Tell an adult. Some people become stalkers through bullying. Seek a monitored chat room designated for you and your friends only.
Griefers What are they? Bullies who hang out at game sites to harass, cheat, or gang up on other gamers. What do I do? Tell or e-mail the site owners about the problem. The owners can set up a private game just between you and your friends.
Predators Predators use the tactic of grooming: earning your trust by engaging you in simple conversations, asking general questions, and by pretending to care. What do I do? Trust your feelings Tell an adult Do not go into chat rooms when you are angry or emotional Go to safe, monitored chat rooms
Hacking What is it? Hacking: to break into someone’s computer system. Hacker: someone who breaks into computer systems. Cracker: someone who breaks in to do harm to your computer. How do I stop it? Make sure you have up to date spy-ware, pop-up blockers, and filters on your computer to protect you from harm.
Plagiarism How do I not plagiarize? Plagiarism means to use someone else’s work and not give them credit for the work. How do I not plagiarize? Cite anything that is not your original work.
What are the consequences? Jail Fines Loss of internet privileges Loss of your integrity
Bibliography Bailey, Diane. Cyber Ethics. New York: Rosen Group, Incorporated, The, 2008. All pictures and icons were copied from Microsoft Clip Art