Report of Cyber Learning Special Interest Group March 22, 2013 Dr. Ruth Lee (KISTI) Dr. Hsi-ching Lin (NCHC) Prof. Putchong Uthayopas (KU)
Newly Initiated PRAGMA24 Cyber Learning : Web based on-line educational & research open system based on computer simulation for computational science & engineering E-Learning/ Distance Learning/ …. Cyber Learning Digital contents, tutorials, course materials, etc Provision of computer simulation running environment
Meeting Dates and Time/Place - March 21, :00-16:30 - March 22, :00-12:45 & 14:30-16:00 - Mobile Development Center 5 th in KU Participants (13 People from 9 Institutes, 7 Counties) - Dr. Qing Ji (Kitty), INSPUR, China, - Prof. Ni Lar Thein, Rector, Singarpore University of Computer Studies, Yangon, Myanmar, - Prof. Heru Suttartanto, Indonesia, - Tun Tun Aung, full-time Lecturer, Faculty of Science and Technology, Assumption University, Thailand, - Prof. Putchong Uthayopas, KU, Thailand - Dr. His-Ching Lin, Researcher, NCHC, Taiwan - Dr. Wing-Keung Kwan, Assistant IT Director, the university of HK - Prof. Hwang suntae, Kookmin Univ. Korea and Mr. Daeyoung Heo - Dr. Kum Won Cho(Director) and Dr. Jongsuk Lee(Leader), Dr. Joon Lee, Dr. Jung-rok Yu, KISTI
6 Presentations - Dr. Ruth Lee, KISTI “Introduction on Development of EDISON” - Dr. Joon Lee, KISTI, “How to use EDISON system” - Prof. Putchong Uthayopas, KU, “Architecture of Thai University Cloud “ - Dr. Hsi-Ching Lin, NCHC, “Education Platform based on NCHC Co-Life” - Dr. Qing Ji (Kitty), INSPUR, “Supports and Cooperation in Bio” - Dr. Wing-Keung Kwan, “e-learning status in the University of HK” Discussions - Possible collaboration issues in the near future - Sharing information about e-learning/cyber learning in each institute, organization and so on Milestone - Clarify the objectives & deliverables of Cyber Learning WG, how to collaborate with other WGs by next PRAGMA meeting - Promote Cyber Leaning WG to activate and bring more people - Testing EDISON System(Cyber Learning System developed by KISTI) by users from Thailand & finding out the possible collaboration items