Cyber Bullying Grade 3
Hey Everybody My name is Tek. I’m going to be your guide today! I’m a part of i-SAFE, and we are concerned with helping you to be safe online. We want you to recognize and avoid dangerous, destructive or unlawful online behavior, and we hope to empower you to communicate what you learn from i-SAFE with others.
Brainstorm What does the word CARING mean??? What are some things that a caring person might do? Why do people act with care? Why do people sometimes forget to be caring?
More Brainstorming! Ok – we talked about being caring. The opposite of that is Mean. - What do you think the definition of Mean is? - When has someone been mean to you? - Why do people behave in this way sometimes? Share a time when someone was mean to you.
Let’s Take a Closer Look at the Bully Facts
Bully Facts Caring: To be caring is to be nice to others. Caring acts are helpful, show consideration, and make the givers and the receivers feel good. Caring acts are NOT mean. You like it when others show caring to you. Can you think of an example of when someone was nice to you or considerate of your feelings?
Bullying Bullying: When someone is mean to others and picks on them, it’s bullying. That includes making fun of others, calling them names or beating up on them.
Cyber Bullying Factsheet Bullying has become an online event as well as a physical one. Cyber Bullying: Cyber bullies are those bullies who use the Internet to be mean to others. E-mail provides one way for them to be mean to others.
Cyber Bullying Factsheet Cyber bullying means to behave in a mean or threatening manner when online. How is cyber bullying like bullying in your physical community? How is it different?
Physical Community vs. Cyber community How is communication in these two communities different? Why do you need to be more careful when communicating online?
DIFFERENCES BULLYING DIRECT Occurs on school property Fear retribution Physical: Hitting, Punching & Shoving Verbal: Teasing, Name calling & Gossip Nonverbal: Use of gestures & Exclusion CYBERBULLYING ANONYMOUS Occurs off school property Fear loss of technology privileges Further under the radar than bullying Emotional reactions cannot be determined {McKenna & Bargh, 2004; Ybarra & Mitchell, 2004}
Think About It! Do you think it’s a sign of strength or weakness to use the Internet for bullying? Why?
What to do if you are Cyber Bullied Tell someone. Don’t keep this to yourself. Tell a trusted adult about the bullying. Don’t open or read messages by Cyber bullies. Tell your school if it is school related. Schools have a bullying plan in place. Don’t erase the messages – they may be needed to take action. Instead, put them in a folder unread.
What to do if you are Cyber Bullied Protect yourself – never agree to meet with the person or with anyone you meet online. If bullied through chat or instant messaging, the “bully” can often be blocked. Tell someone!
How to avoid being bullied online Don’t give out private information such as passwords, pins, name, address, phone number, school name, or family and friends names. This information can be used by bullies and other harmful people on the Internet. Use Netiquette. Be polite online and others will tend to do the same. If someone does get angry or bullies you, ignore them – online Cyber bullies want a reaction just like other bullies.
How to avoid being bullied online Don’t send a message when you are angry – it is hard to undo things that are said in anger. Delete messages from people you don’t know When something doesn’t seem right, it probably isn’t. Get out of the site, chat, etc.
Time for Discussion Name some ways that people can be bullied online – Has anyone in the class ever been bullied online?
I hope you learned something I know I did!
What have we learned? Now that we have covered Cyber Bullying, what have you learned?
Make sure you now know: Bullying means to use mean language or actions towards others Bullies intend to cause fear or avoidance from others for their victims Bullies are found in both the physical and cyber communities
Make Sure You have Covered: Online bullying can be just as intimidating as face-to-face bullying Using netiquette is an effective way to prevent online bullying Resources for reporting bullying incidents include trusted adults, the ISP provider, school personnel, and the police if it involves illegal activity, direct threats, etc.