Cyber Bullying Chandler and Autumn Autumn
Definition Cyber Bullying is the use of cell phones,instant messaging, ,chat rooms,or social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter to harass,threaten or intimidate some one.
Safe Practices Tell an adult immediately when you have been bullied or Cyber Bullied Do not write or post a negative comment back to them to get back Block them when they make a negative comment Or file a report on the web site
Unsafe Practices Write back to a mean comment Post something to get back Don’t tell an adult immediately when it happens To start being a cyber bully
Facts Cyber Bullying can cause depression and hurt feelings Nearly 42% kids have been Cyber Bullied online, and almost one in four have had it happen more than once The primary Cyber Bullying location were victimizing occurs at 56% is in chat rooms Girls are about twice as likely as boys to be victims and perpetrators of Cyber Bullying
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