International Learning Community, PBL, and Game-Based Learning: APEC Cyber Academy Mark van ‘t Hooft, Ph.D. Research Center for Educational Technology Kent State University, Kent, OH Chi-Syan Lin, Ph.D. Department of Information and Learning Technology National University of Tainan, Taiwan Candace Chou, Ph.D. Department of Curriculum and Instruction University of St. Thomas, Minneapolis, MN Yi-Mei Lin Department of Communication & Graduate Institute of Telecommunications National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan
Participants from around APEC K_duraeban team from Anmin Elementary school, Korea Lucky team from Hai-tung Primary School, Chinese Taipei Ozzie Grrlz team from Swan View Senior High School, Australia
CountryNumber of Registered Learners CountryNumber of Registered Learners Australia137New Guinea7 Brunei87New Zealand19 Canada107Peru5 Chile39Philippines305 China117Russia2 Hong Kong48Singapore154 Indonesia67Taiwan8254 Japan91Thailand142 Korea440United States419 Malaysia288Viet Nam14 Mexico10Others171 As of Participants
APEC ChatRoom
APEC Communicator and Security
Video Chat Room
Online Facilitators
International Virtual City Tours Learn with Friends The goal of the program is to let students create one-day virtual tours of a city in their homeland, in the form of a multimedia presentation for other participants. virtually visit countries and explore different cities and cultures. provide feedback on what it was like to virtually visit another city.
Learn with Friends Survivor Online
Learn with Friends The goal of this module is to help kids learn online behavior and safety. There are three parts: safety, behavior, and copyright Hands-on activities with embedded assessment (kids make choices and the path they take is determined by the choices they make).
Learn with Friends Author: Cecilia M. Estoque Tell the World there is Hope Life is beautiful, but through media's overemphasis on problems, chaos, and crises around the world, its real loveliness fades in the eyes of the present generation. Reality bites indeed, but that should not keep you from participating in TELL THE WORLD THERE IS HOPE. Imagine the cascading effects your participation bring to the whole community if you commit yourself to show the good side of life by demonstrating what one can do to make a difference. It's never too late as long as we act and sincerely commit to “do one good thing” for humanity. One simple act of kindness can bring us a long way, especially if we aim to create synergy- of- hope avatars around the world.
Still to Come…
Portraiture This is a unit with two parts; human portraiture and animal portraiture. Each part emphasizes learning about artists and their work (art history and culture), analysis of facial proportions, (aesthetic perception), creating portraits using digital and traditional materials (creative expression), and evaluation of artwork (art criticism). These elements of art will be addressed using games, quizzes, on-line and on-paper drawing, and writing activities designed to encourage students to view and evaluate each others work. Learn with Friends
Save the Planet Start Doing Something About Global Warming The primary goal of this learning module is to educate the students and classes that participate, about global warming, the scientific basis for global warming and basic understanding of energy consumption necessary to affect change. This should include the ability to spot wasteful management of energy, as well as to gain an understanding of the methods and tools now available to reduce one’s carbon footprint, and to put together a plan of action for the individual, the family, the school, and perhaps the community and the cities in which the students live.
APEC Cyber Academy & APEC 2007 International Online Contest February 17, 2008 ~ April 19, 2008
The contest has three programs APEC Networked Collaborative Learning Program (NCLP) Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Cyber Camp APEC Journalists.
APEC Networked Collaborative Learning Program (NCLP)
What is NCLP? Eight independent learning modules Teams of 5-20 students Weekly learning activities Collaboration Communication with distant learning partners.
Topic Explore the A.C.A. About your team Peer Discussion and Evaluation My Money and What it Buys Peer Discussion and Evaluation Saving and Investing Peer Discussion and Evaluation/Preparation for Virtual Conference Web Conferencing: Prepare for Your Financial Future Peer Evaluation and Discussion Grade Recommendation: 6-10 Money makes the world go ‘round’, or so they say. In this activity, students will research and present information about topics related to money in their countries. From what your currency looks like and what banks are in your country, to topics such as buying a home and saving for college, students will begin to develop an understanding of the importance of money in their future lives. Please download the activity guide for information and specific questions to drive your research.
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Cyber Camp
What is ICT Cyber Camp? Sequence of four learning modules ICT and problem-solving skills. Teams of four students Advanced and interactive technologies
APEC Journalists
What are APEC Journalists? Students play the role of local correspondents Digital storytelling Interacting with an online audience
For more info: Mark van ‘t Hooft, Ph.D. Research Center for Educational Technology Kent State University, Kent, OH Chi-Syan Lin, Ph.D. Department of Information and Learning Technology National University of Tainan, Taiwan Candace Chou, Ph.D. Department of Curriculum and Instruction University of St. Thomas, Minneapolis, MN Yi-Mei Lin Department of Communication & Graduate Institute of Telecommunications National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan or contact: