By: Nina D and Ellyn Y
Recent high-profile teen suicides have drawn attention to the problem of bullying of all kinds, particularly cyber bullying. Kids tend to pick on those who are different in some way.
Girls Boys I have been cyber bullied at least once 25% 17% Someone posted hurtful comments about me online 18% 11% I have cyber bullied others 21% 18% I have spread untrue stories about others online 7% 6%
In 2009, 50 percent of students surveyed said they had been victims of bullies using electronic media. In a survey released on September 26, conducted by MTV and the AP, that figure had risen to 56 percent.
"I socialized with friends via electronics when I wasn't with them. I never expected that technology would become my worst nightmare.“ “These kids can be accessed around the clock through technology. There's really no escape."
In California, state lawmakers recently passed a new cyberbully rule. It allows officials to kick kids out of school if they are caught bullying other people on social networking Web sites. That includes sites such as Facebook.
Limit who you share your address and cell- phone number with, and never reveal social- networking-site passwords. Don't respond to a bully's electronic messages, but do save them. They are evidence that can help support your case. If bullying persists, tell a trusted adult who can help.
If you have a bully who just won't quit, it's time to call in some adult help. Tell your parents, teacher, or a trusted adult right away, and they can contact law enforcement authorities if necessary. You don't have to put up with... ask for 'help!
"Cyberbullying: boys vs. girls." Weekly Reader News Edition 4-6. Junior Edition, 2 Sept Web. 8 Mar "Cover story: cyberbullying." Junior Scholastic. Junior Edition, 22 Nov Web. 5 Mar "Bully bust! State lawmakers get tough with cyberbullies." Weekly Reader News Edition 4-6. Junior Edition, 2 Sept Web. 10 Mar "Cyberbullying crackdown: recent tragedies and a new survey shine a spotlight on online bullying." Current Events, a Weekly Reader publication. Junior Edition, 27 Oct Web. 8 Mar Reece, Tamekia. "Cyberbullying 411: myths and truths about bullying and technology." Current Health Teens, a Weekly Reader publication. Junior Edition, Jan Web. 6 Mar
Lusted, Marcia Amidon. "Cyber bullying." Faces: People, Places, and Cultures. Junior Edition, Nov Web. 6 Mar "Cyberbullying: technology is making bullying easier to do, and harder to escape." Junior Scholastic. Junior Edition, 22 Nov Web. 8 Mar Fanning, Karen. "Cyberspace bullies: why do so many kids turn to cyberbullying? How can you help stop it?" Junior Scholastic. Junior Edition, 9 Nov Web. 8 Mar "The girl who got even: a true cyberbullying story." Scholastic Choices. Junior Edition, Web. 5 Mar Conium. "melancholic interpretation in G#.mp3." Conium. 10 Dec Free sound. Web. 15 Mar