Maine Cyber Security Cluster
WHO WE ARE… University of Southern Maine and the Maine System State and Local Government Business and Industry National Guard
What we do… Cyber risk is increasing in Maine. To combat and mitigate the risk, MCSC will: Train cyber security personnel Conduct assessments in lab and at sites Provide space, resources, and expertise for Cyber Security Research and Development
To establish the Maine Cyber Security Cluster brand, as a Center of Excellence in Cyber Security, within 5 to 10 years as: a sustainable national resource for cyber security education, testing, risk analysis, penetration testing, and independent verification the primary host for cyber security events and demonstrations a cyber security business incubator a proactive and trusted repository of cyber security information a magnet for students wishing to obtain degrees and certifications in cyber security technologies VISION
Funded in 2012 by The Maine Technology Institute, MEIF, and Business and Industry to address limitations within the Maine workforce and enhance economic development in IT for a three-year period. Increase research and development and cyber security workforce education Develop the Cluster to be self-sustaining at the conclusion of the grant. Funding and Charge…
Cyber Security Laboratory The first in Maine, as a shared and secure testing and evaluation environment Will allow private and public entities to refine their technology infrastructures and code on the fly The laboratory is one of three areas of MCSC
Federal and State Government Involvement Maine Office of Information Technology (OIT) Admiral William Leigher (Pentagon) US Secret Service and the Maine State Police Current Active Partners and Relationships
2 nd Annual Conference: State of IT in Maine Save the Date! November 8, 2013 Abromson Center University of Southern Maine OUTREACH AND DEVELOPMENT
A strong commitment to the education of students in the area of Cyber Security is of primary importance. Student organization: Cyber Security Organization (CSO) at USM STUDENT FOCUS & INVOLVEMENT
Network Security and Ethics Introduction to Cyber Security Introduction to Network Security Information Assurance and Cyber Security Ethics in Computer Science CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT
Dave, Melissa, and Kim will talk about the CSO, the Anti-Hacker Toolkits, and the Small Business Cyber Security Guide that grew out of courses at USM. STUDENT PRESENTATION
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