‘The CyberPsychology of Cyber Security’ World Cyber Security Technology Research Summit 2014 Mary Aiken Director RCSI CyberPsychology Research Centre Fellow RCSI Institute of Leadership Research Fellow School of Law Middlesex University Fellow IBM Network Science Research Center RCSI Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Coláiste Ríoga na Máinleá in Éirinn
What is CyberPsychology? Field within applied psychology Internet psychology, virtual environments, AI & IA, gaming, digital convergence, social media, mobile telephones and networking devices 30 peer-reviewed journals: 1,000 articles CyberPsychology: exponential growth due to continued rapid acceleration of Internet technologies and the ‘unprecedentedly pervasive and profound influence of the internet on human beings’ (Yan, 2012) 1 2
Psychology of Cyberspace Interest in cyberspace: cognitive, social, educational, organisational, personality, clinical and experimental psychologists. Traditional ‘real world theories’ – will they suffice? do we need to modify - or develop new ones? Interdisciplinary scholars are crystalising new ideas and moving towards conquering a new scientific frontier 3
‘State & Trait’ in Cyberspace 4 Anonymity (Joinson, 2001) Online disinhibition effect (Suler, 2004) Cyber immersion (Takatalo et al., 2008) Cyber presence (Riva et al., 2007) Self-presentation online (Gibbs et al., 2006) Privacy (McMahon & Aiken, 2014; Barnes, 2006) Escalation online (White & Horvitz, 2002) Altruism (Adar & Huberman, 2000) Trust (Putnam, 2000) Identity (Turkle, 1999; Gross & Acquisti, 2005)
Cyber Security CyberPsychology: Delivering insight at the human/technology interface Privacy Environment Trust Needs Habits & Emotions Identity Presence Anonymity Intelligence Amplification Socialisation Resilience Communication Personality Ethics Big Data Regulation Artificial Intelligence Mobile Cyber Defence IOT BYOD Network Security Malware Risk Authentication Ubiquitous Cities Biometrics HumanTechnology CyberPsychology
Key Perspectives 5 Consideration of Cyber Security in the context of CyberPsychological factors 1. Cyber security & ‘factoring in the human’ - Person vs. User - State & Trait - Real World vs. Virtual World Self (org. insider threat) - Organizational CyberPsychology: Hierarchical vs. Networked (zero day scenario) - Cyber Behavioral Profiling – NB Motive (primary & secondary gains) 2. Cyberspace as an environment - Immersive vs. Transactional - Need to update/revise definitions? Privacy, Identity, Trust, Security, Resilience - Minimisation of Status and Authority in Cyberspace 3. Cyber technologies - Artificial Intelligence (A.I) v’s Intelligence Amplification (I.A) - Scientific Creativity - Cyber Ethics / Cyber-Tort
Research Vision Cyberpsychology approach: understanding new norms of behaviour online Theoretically profound, experimentally rigorous, developmentally longitudinal, technically sophisticated to achieve longlasting positive societal effects Adhere to principles of Virtual Research Methodology
Our vision is that the CyberPsychology Research Centre will become a global leader in delivering research and insight at the intersection of psychology and technology Thank you