624 OC Perspective: Directing Cyber Operations


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Presentation transcript:

624 OC Perspective: Directing Cyber Operations Colonel Bradley L. Pyburn 20 August 2014 624 OC Perspective: Directing Cyber Operations OVERALL CLASSIFICATION OF THIS BRIEFING IS UNCLASSIFIED

UNCLASSIFIED 624 OC Mission Establish, plan, direct, coordinate, assess, command and control full spectrum cyber operations and capabilities in support of Air Force and Joint Requirements The 624 OC: The Cyber Air Operations Center UNCLASSIFIED

Organization 24 AF JFHQ-Cyber AFCYBER UNCLASSIFIED 24 AF JFHQ-Cyber AFCYBER 624th Operations Center / JFHQ-Cyber Operations Center JBSA-Lackland, TX AFCYBER Forward Ft Meade, MD AFCYBER Forward Ft Meade, MD Cyber Command & Control Mission Assurance Operational planning Commander’s Liaison Element Crisis, current, and strategic ops support Guard and Reserve Forces 67th Cyberspace Wing JBSA-Lackland, TX 688th Cyberspace Wing JBSA-Lackland, TX 5th Combat Communications Group Robins AFB, GA Network Defense Network Attack Forensics Boundary and Gateway Monitoring OPSEC Monitoring & Assessment Risk Assessment Tactics, Techniques, & Procedures (TTPs) Advanced Defensive Counter Cyber (Hunt) Real-time Operations & Innovation Cyber Operational Test & Evaluation and Ranges Cyber Assessments Operational Engineering Advanced Training Combat Communications Global Network Extension Hammer Ace US Secret Service Support Deployed Air Traffic Control Systems UNCLASSIFIED

UNCLASSIFIED Mission Partners Strategy Intel Ops Plans UNCLASSIFIED

Conduct Preparatory Actions UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO 624 OC Lines of Effort COMMAND & CONTROL INTELLIGENCE 1. Operate the AF Information Network (AFIN) Establish Configure Maintain Sustain Monitor Assess 2. Defend the AFIN, Key Mission Systems & Specified Nets Map Monitor Detect Identify Isolate Mitigate Eradicate 3. Engage the Adversary Conduct Preparatory Actions Deliver Effect There are four main operational branches within COD. They include: DoDIN operations Defensive Cyber Operations Offensive Cyber Operations Cyber Reporting a Cell Listed underneath each branch are the core functions of each of branch. An in depth look into each of organization is presented next.

Cyber Transformation Operationalizing Cyber Normalizing Cyber UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO Cyber Transformation Operationalizing Cyber Cyber Platforms/Force Packaging C2 Relationships & Execution Ops Center Transformation (Cyber Operations Plan, etc…) AFIN Mission Assurance Center Defensive Posture (Cyber Protection Teams) Normalizing Cyber Program Management Office/System Program Office - “Baked In” Defense Growing Expertise Force Management Joint Information Environment Building Partnerships Air Operations Center Commander’s Conference Outreach to Combatant & Numbered Air Force Commanders Industry There are four main operational branches within COD. They include: DoDIN operations Defensive Cyber Operations Offensive Cyber Operations Cyber Reporting a Cell Listed underneath each branch are the core functions of each of branch. An in depth look into each of organization is presented next.

Full Spectrum Cyber C2 & Situational Awareness UNCLASSIFIED The 624 OC: Operate...Defend…Engage… Full Spectrum Cyber C2 & Situational Awareness UNCLASSIFIED