C-DAX is funded by the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7-ICT ) under grant agreement n° C-DAX: A Cyber-Secure Data and Control Cloud for Power Grids C-DAX Consortium
C-DAX Project EC FP7-ICT call project C-DAX: Cyber-secure Data And Control Cloud for power grids Duration: – Total budget: Euro EU-funding: Euro C-DAX middleware Enables smart grid applications to exchange information securely Implements information-centric networking (ICN) paradigm Supports publish/subscribe across different administrative domains Targeted use cases Future retail energy market (REM) Real-time state estimation based on PMU measurements Project coordination: Alcatel-Lucent Project website: Project partners 2C-DAX: A Cyber-Secure Data and Control Cloud for Power Grids
Targeted use case with PMU-PDC real-time app 3C-DAX: A Cyber-Secure Data and Control Cloud for Power Grids
Publish-Subscribe Basics Basic idea Decouple data production and consumption in space, time, and synchronization Improve scalability (compared to traditional client-server) Core components Publisher client: produces data Subscriber client: consumes data Broker: stores and forwards data Broker discovery service: tells publishers and subscribers what broker to use Basic interactions Broker discovery Client join Data dissemination Publisher Subscriber Broker Pub/sub middleware Application Join message Data Broker discovery service Broker Subscriber 44 4C-DAX: A Cyber-Secure Data and Control Cloud for Power Grids
Example: Integrating Different Applications (Within the Same or Different Administrative Domains) Using the Same Pub/Sub Middleware Examples for topics SCADA data from RTUs PMU measurements Benefit of decoupling publishers and subscribers Communication partners do not need to know each other Asynchronous communication possible Facilitating extensibility, management and configurability 5 Publ. A Pub/sub middleware Publ. BPubl. CSub. DSub. ESub. F Topic 1 Topic 2 Only interested in Topic 1 Only interested in Topic 2 Interested in Topic 1 and Topic 2 C-DAX: A Cyber-Secure Data and Control Cloud for Power Grids
C-DAX Entities Explained EntityFunctionalityPlane Client Produce or consume topic data; provides access for SG applications to the C-DAX cloud (through an API) Control & Data Designated node (DN) Provide access for clients to the C-DAX cloud (first point of contact) DN for publisher (PubDN) and DN for subscriber (SubDN) Control & data Data broker (DB) Receive topic data from PubDNs and forward them to SubDNs Cache topic data Data Resolver (RS) Resolves topic names to DBsControl Security serverProvide security-related functionalities to the C-DAX cloud, including authentication, authorization, and key distribution Control Monitoring / management system Gather, aggregate, and forward monitored information in the C-DAX cloud Management of C-DAX network resources Management 6C-DAX: A Cyber-Secure Data and Control Cloud for Power Grids
Data Plane C-DAX Architecture Control Plane Resolver (RS) Data Broker (DB) Security Server C-DAX Monitoring/ Management System Monitor Control C-DAX Communication Platform Join Client (Publisher) Client (Subscriber) SG application data to be published SG application data to be consumed Designated Node (DN) 7C-DAX: A Cyber-Secure Data and Control Cloud for Power Grids Configure
Three Communication Modes Streaming-based Publishers continuously send data to DB Subscribers continuously receive data from DB Query-based Subscriber sends query to message broker DB returns data matching the query Point-to-point Publishers send data directly to subscribers Communication modes are set per topic to fit the requirements of the application, e.g., Low latency for PMUs Improved scalability for retail energy markets 8 Publisher DB Subscriber PublisherSubscriber DB Subscriber Query C-DAX: A Cyber-Secure Data and Control Cloud for Power Grids
Resilience Concept Topic data should be highly available Data is stored on two nodes Resilience of the infrastructure Each system component is replicated physically Each critical communication path is divided into A path during failure free operation Alternative path(s) due to failures Three resilience support levels: 9 C-DAX cloud SubscriberPublisherDN DBDN DB : Path during failure free operation : Alternative paths due to failures : Synchronization LevelData loss (during failover) Data delay (during failover) Complexity L1YNLow L2NYMiddle L3NNHigh C-DAX: A Cyber-Secure Data and Control Cloud for Power Grids
Security Concept General security requirements Confidentiality and integrity End-to-end security, e.g., IEC Availability Prevention of attacks, e.g., DoS attacks, replay attacks, spoofing Security features of C-DAX End-to-end security between C-DAX clients Availability of C-DAX infrastructure Scalable key management mechanism C-DAX security rationale Strong authentication of clients and nodes based on asymmetric cryptography Symmetric or asymmetric cryptography for topic data Minimal trust in underlying infrastructure Nodes do not have to trust each other inside C-DAX cloud Clients do not have to trust C-DAX cloud for guaranteed end-to-end security Flexible match of security parameters to requirements of use cases, e.g., data rates, latency, confidentiality, integrity 10 Publisher DNDB … Subscriber Encode Authenticate Decode SecServ Key distribution Data C-DAX: A Cyber-Secure Data and Control Cloud for Power Grids
Domain B Domain A Inter-Domain Concept Companies Define C-DAX domains Want to exchange information Inter-domain concept necessary C-DAX DN Provides access for external subscribers to C-DAX cloud Only point of contact for external subscribers Triggers authentication and authorization of external clients Manages external subscriptions Forwards data from internal nodes to external clients External subscribers May re-publish received information in own domain Inter-domain security DN hides domain’s network Access from external domains only allowed through DNs SecServ of each domain manages respective rights C-DAX cloud RSSecServDBDNExternal subscriber C-DAX cloud : Security signaling : Publish/subscribe signaling : Publish/subscribe data transfer 11C-DAX: A Cyber-Secure Data and Control Cloud for Power Grids
Comparison with Existing Pub/Sub Architectures ArchitectureEnd-to-End Security ResilienceMessage Persistence Broker-based Communication Mode Direct Communication Mode C-DAXXXXXX OMG DDSOXX-X JMS-XXX- NSQ-O--X Data Turbine-XXX- ZeroMQOO-OX 12 XO-XO- : Supported : Partly supported : Not supported / unspecified C-DAX: A Cyber-Secure Data and Control Cloud for Power Grids
Protocol Adaptation Layer Problem Existing smart grid protocols rely on bidirectional one-to-one communication, e.g., IEEE C37.118, IEC C-DAX provides unidirectional many-to- many communication C-DAX provides a unified pub/sub interface for communication Solution Protocol adaptation layer translates between smart grid protocols and C-DAX Benefits for operators Hardware and software compliant to existing standards can be used with C-DAX with little configuration changes C-DAX can be transparent for legacy hardware and software Implementation Protocol adaptation layer for IEEE C has been implemented and tested 13 PMU/Client/Adaptation LayerDN IP C TCP/UDP C-DAX C IP TCP/UDP C-DAX C C-DAX: A Cyber-Secure Data and Control Cloud for Power Grids
Prototype Purpose Validation of baseline communication functionalities and basic failure management of C-DAX Validation of security framework Validation of IEEE C protocol adaptation layer Environment IEEE 34 Bus as power grid topology PMU measurement data provided by EPFL Virtual Wall network test bed provided by iMinds RTSE application by EPFL C-DAX: A Cyber-Secure Data and Control Cloud for Power Grids 14 RTSE LabView PMU-Bus3 PubClient PMU-Bus4 PubClient PMU-Bus7 PubClient PMU-Bus1 PubClient PDC Adapter SubClient Base Station Bus1Bus3Bus4Bus7 LAN Bus7NodeBus4NodeBus3Node Security Server Bus1Node Monitor BaseStation Resolver Virtual Wall
Laboratory validation 15 PMU PDC C-DAX cloud Real-time state estimation of the targeted electrical network C-DAX: A Cyber-Secure Data and Control Cloud for Power Grids Real-time model of the electrical grid
Field Trial Purpose Deploy C-DAX software in an existing distribution grid Evaluate applicability of C-DAX under realistic conditions Show-case several smart grid applications using a common pub/sub middleware Environment Distribution grid provided by Alliander including a solid and fast IP network PMUs provided by National Instruments RTSE application by EPFL C-DAX software Time plan Deployment of PMUs and C-DAX software: late 2014 Scheduled start of field trial: late 2014 Alliander’s MS Livelab National Instruments’ PMU for MV level 16 Source: Alliander N.V. Source: National Instruments Sweden C-DAX: A Cyber-Secure Data and Control Cloud for Power Grids
Benefits and Features of the C-DAX Architecture General benefits of pub/sub communication Flexibility and agility for integration of emerging smart grid applications Transparent exchange of information Scalability Avoid repeated investment in ICT per application Unique C-DAX benefits Support for inter-domain communications Support for established smart grid protocols, e.g., IEC 61850, IEC , IEEE C Combination of advanced features Cyber-secure layer addressing authentication, privacy, and integrity in end-to-end fashion Support for streaming, query and point-to-point communication Resilience Flexible provisioning strategy 17C-DAX: A Cyber-Secure Data and Control Cloud for Power Grids
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