Let’s Work Together (C’mon c’mon, work together)
team work motivate mentor success partnership PANTEX Y12 SLAC ORNL lead LANL team work DOE idea KCP strategy create motivate solution LBNL NREL mentor SRNL creativity success INL support PNNL develop inspire PPPL partnership vision SRS SNL learn AMES LLNL FERMI BNL ANL NETL JLAB ORAU
IT Transformation Partnerships at the DOE National Laboratories and Plants Jill Deem, CIO, NREL Tom Schlagel, CIO, BNL Tom Harper, CIO, LANL
National Laboratory CIO Members and Participants Bob Ottesen (KCP) Chester Maze (ORAU) Denise Stephens (INL) Diane DenAdel (Ames) George Dailey (Y12) Jerry Johnson (PNNL) Jill Deem (NREL) Kent Gross (Pantex) Mary Harris (SRNL) Michael Vahle (SNL) Randy Melen (Acting) (SLAC) Richard Robinson (LLNL) Rosio Alvarez (LBNL) Roy Whitney (Jlab) Becky Verastegui, Secretary Steve Baumgartner (PPPL) Tom Harper (LANL) Tom Schlagel (BNL) Valerie Perez (SRS) Vicky White (Fermi) Mike Bartell (ORNL) Stuart Hannay (ANL) Bob Hillier (NNSS) Gil Vega DOE, Associate CIO for Cyber Security and Chief Information Security Officer Michael Locatis DOE, Chief Information Officer Robert Brese DOE, Deputy Chief Information Officer Robert Osborn NNSA, Associate Administrator for Information Management & CIO PNNL INL BNL FERMI Ames ANL PPPL LBNL NETL NREL LLNL JLab KCP NNSS SLAC ORNL Y12 LANL ORAU Action – Add image for Bob Osborn SNL Pantex SRNL SRS Nat’l Nuclear Security Science Energy
A Brief History of the NLCIO NLCIO began as the Systems of Labs’ Computing Coordinating Committee (SLCCC) in December, 1996 To advise laboratory directors and to provide an interface to DOE organizations on issues in computing and information processing. Function as a forum for information exchange, consensus building, and coordination of the major activities in scientific computing and information processing.
A Brief History of the NLCIO SLCCC became NLCIO in May, 2008 Advises the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) National Laboratory Directors Council and provides an interface to DOE organizations on issues in Information Technology (IT) and cyber security. Functions as a forum for information exchange, consensus building, and coordination of major activities in IT and cyber security.
National Laboratory Councils National Laboratory Directors’ Council (NLDC) National Laboratories Chief Information Officers (NLCIO) National Laboratories Chief Research Officers (NLCRO) National Laboratories Chief Operating Officers (NLCOO) National Laboratories Chief Human Resources Officers (NLCHRO) National Laboratories Chief Financial Officers (NLCFO) National Laboratories Chief Communications Officers (NLCCO) National Laboratory General Counsel (NLGC) informal
DOE Information Management Governance Council Secretary Chu created the Cyber Security Governance Council (CSGC), later to become IMGC. Announced by Deputy Secretary Poneman in December, 2009. Formed to reflect the shared responsibility for cyber security, and information management, among the Under Secretaries, the DOE Chief Information Officer, and the National Laboratories/Plants. IMGC-AG (Advisory Group) is represented by four CIOs from Labs/Plants. IMGC-WG (Working Group).
NLCIO Executive Committee Tom Harper, LANL Chair Steve Baumgartner, PPPL Chair Elect Tom Schlagel, BNL Past Chair Jerry Johnson, PNNL Executive Member Becky Verastegui, ORNL Secretary Jill Deem, NREL
How We Work Together NLCIO is a mature organization with monthly teleconferences and quarterly meetings. Began as information sharing, has progressed to strategic planning and joint initiatives. NLCIO relationship with DOE OCIO has matured with the current administration to one of collaboration and partnership. We are peers, working together and with Headquarters, to leverage best-in-Complex solutions, share lessons learned, find efficiencies, and respond to mission needs.
Partnerships and Shared Challenges Cyber Security Virtualization and Sustainability Path to the Cloud Mobility Collaboration
Cyber Security Policy Sharing Best Practices Incident Response Worked closely with DOE OCIO on the development of O205.1B Shift from compliance to risk-based cyber security programs Risk-based programs presented at DOE Risk Management Summit Sharing Best Practices Contractor Assurance System Continuous Monitoring Incident Response Mutual aid and Lessons Learned during the FY11 cyber attacks on National Labs Lab representatives on the JC3 IPT Eventide Cybersecurity Incident Response: Lessons Learned Eventide Panel Discussion, Wednesday, 4:40-6:00 pm, Dallas Ballroom E Cybersecurity incident response: lessons learned eventide— panel discussion Wednesday, 4:40-6:00 p.m.; Location: Dallas Ballroom E; Track: Guiding Cybersecurity: Federal Initiatives; Skill Level: Non-Technical Jerry Johnson, Chief Information Officer, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Kevin A. Kerr, Chief Information Security Officer and Senior Advisor, IT Risk Management, Oak Ridge National Laboratory Andy Kowalski, Computing and Networking Infrastructure Manager, Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Dale Leschnitzer, Cybersecurity Risk Assessor and IT Contingency Planning Coordinator, Los Alamos National Laboratory Dr. Thomas A. Harper, Chief Information Officer, Los Alamos National Laboratory In FY 2011, cybersecurity defenses at three DOE National Laboratories were breached by attacks characterized as Advance Persistent Threats. All three disconnected their sites from the Internet for as much as two weeks during response and recovery efforts. In March 2012, Los Alamos National Laboratory, in cooperation with various NNSA and DOE locations, conducted the Eventide Exercise, a multi-site information security response exercise focusing on the triage, mutual aid capabilities, and coordination between sites during a large-scale information security event. This session will include presentations on the FY 2011 attacks and the Eventide Exercise. The site presenters will share what happened, how their site responded and key lessons learned. The Eventide presentation will describe the exercise, a summary of the results, and lessons learned. Following the presentations will be a Q&A and discussion panel.
Virtualization and Sustainability Leadership in Green IT Virtualization Servers moving from individual physical servers to virtual servers hosting multiple physical machines for agility, reliability, and power savings Virtual Desktop Infrastructure in production or being explored across all sites A natural next step for virtualized systems is to liberate them from your data center… The Green IT paper helped to change the conversation from data center consolidation to energy efficiency
Path to the Cloud DOE’s Right Path (with NNSA YOURcloud, YourVOICE, and services), built on LANL’s Infrastructure on Demand (IoD), with the scale and commercial pricing of the data center to create a virtual workspace and services model. Commercial Clouds (some examples) Google for Government (LBNL, PPPL, and INL) Service Now – IT Service Management in the cloud Site-level proof-of-principle activities Google for Government (LBNL, PPPL, and INL) Service Now (services on a cloud for FNAL, LBNL, NREL) DOE IE M&O Other Federal Clouds NNSA 2NV
Mobility The explosive growth of smart phones and mobile devices in the consumer market presents a risk to the labs, but also a significant opportunity The challenge to the labs is to take advantage of our workers desire to access the enterprise from their mobile devices, while making sure that information is appropriately protected
Collaboration Many sites moving to Voice over IP replacing their legacy telephone switches, making voice services just another app on the network The converged voice and data platform opens up new collaboration opportunities, combining voice, video, email, chat, and web tools The challenge for the labs is to make this new platform seamlessly interoperate between sites, so that collaboration is as easy between sites is as easy as it is within a site VoIP – BNL (CISCO UCS), JSA, LANL, ORNL, PNNL Collaboration tools Sharepoint (Ames, BNL, LANL, ORNL, etc.) Desktop videoconferencing –Sandia, planning: BNL, LANL, PNNL WebEx, Movi, OCS/Lync Integrated messaging and calendaring Exchange (at most sites): Lync consolidation at some Google: INL, LBNL, PPPL, and INL Zimbra: JSA
Thanks We welcome your comments and thoughts Great work is underway, but a lot of unmet challenges All of you IMC participants have great opportunities to collaborate and participate Be part of the team – Be part of the solution
team work motivate mentor success partnership PANTEX Y12 SLAC ORNL lead LANL team work DOE idea KCP strategy create motivate solution LBNL NREL mentor SRNL creativity success INL support PNNL develop inspire PPPL partnership vision SRS SNL learn AMES LLNL FERMI BNL ANL NETL JLAB ORAU