Y. PERREAL, THALES - Project leader SECUR-ED, FP7 – SRC’10, Ostende
2 Project status SECUR-ED in short: FP7-SEC , Security in Mass transportation, N = SECUR-ED : SECured URban transportion – European Demonstration Budget = 40M€, EC Funding = 25 M€ 39 partners: PTO *, authorities, Industries Research centers organisations SMEs: * PTO = Public Transport Operator
3 Sub-projects breakdown
4 Security capacities By security capacities, we mean all measures enhancing the security in a multimodal transport node. It could be either: Specific tools for a deeper analysis of the security risks & solutions Smart and generic security operating procedures Improved technical security solutions Video surveillance Infrastructure protection and/or resilience Protection against CBRN-E Information management and communication Preventive & early analysis Training programmes for various stakeholders: passengers, employees (PTO or shops), operators of control centre, security manager, decision maker
5 SP4 Security demonstration scenarios (1/2) MILAN SCENARIOS : Identification and tracking of suspicious passenger Vehicle protection in the depot/yard Reaction and event management for the three situation levels: alert / alarm / crisis Procedural coordination of different stakeholders BERLIN SCENARIOS Implementation of standard and emergency operating procedures, field level security plans and decision making model for threat, emergency and crisis situations Execution of security awareness training programmes for Passengers, Front-line and Security employees Operators in control centres, Security managers, decision makers
6 SP4 Security demonstration scenarios (2/2) MADRID SCENARIOS Identification of priority tasks and procedures Interoperable Incident Management tool shared between several operators CCTV system : Interoperability of solutions coming from different operators On board systems operation (for urban & suburban night buses) Communication between Control Centres in case of incident PARIS SCENARIOS Protection of an interchange node against different attacks: Explosive Toxic (chemical) Radioactive Protection of network and IT systems against cyber attack
7 Dissemination aspects A strong dissemination is foreseen: SP5 : Bucharest, Lisbon, Brussels, Istanbul,… will develop additional demonstrations. The results (reports, conclusions) will be shared with PTOs, under the lead of UITP The collaboration with the Polices through their advisory group is an additional way of dissemination. Moreover, the SP4 demonstrations will be synchronized with special events: Workshops (with other Projects), Conferences… Local or National or EC events Most of the flagship demonstrations will be shown in 2013.
8 Any question ?