Platform Centro de Enseñanza López Arce
Each user has a specific role inside the platform: Student Teacher Secretary Coordinator Principal Web Administrator Users of the platform
All roles Access to an internal messaging system. Access to the centers own employment list. Modify the auto generated password for another easier to remember.
> Teacher Secretary Coordinator Principal Web Administrator
Student Virtual courses for students that don’t want to be at class physically, here they can access all their lessons, and do tests comfortably over Internet. Present courses allows the student access to all the resources given by the teacher: lessons, class schedules, timetables, tests and exams.
Student > Secretary Coordinator Principal Web Administrator
Teacher Manage his Virtual courses, adding lessons and creating tests and exams. Manage his Present courses: Just like with the virtual courses, the teacher can add lessons, tests and exams, but also manages the class schedule and fill the attendance list.
Student Teacher > Coordinator Principal Web Administrator
Manages student information and registration. Assigns students time quota for Virtual courses. Accounting management. Access to Virtual courses information. Access teachers attendance lists.
Student Teacher Secretary > Principal Web Administrator
Manage class room information. Create and manage all the Present courses given at the center. Manage the student groups that are assigned a Present course. Manage the groups and teachers timetables.
Student Teacher Secretary Coordinator > Web Administrator
Control the teachers work. Accounting management. Manage the entries of collaborating companies. Control the access of the students to the labor market in a later stage.
Student Teacher Secretary Coordinator Principal >
Web Administrator
Manage users roles. View the platforms usage and user activity. Modify system settings.
Platforms main functionality Internal mail box system. Online Virtual courses. Present courses. Manage the centers infrastructure data. Monitor and log the platforms activity.
Mail Box
Depending on the users role, the message can reach other users with specific roles depending on certain predefined rules. There is a programmed robot in the platform that’s in charge of sending automatic messages on certain events.
Internal mail box system. > Present courses. Manage the centers infrastructure data. Monitor and log the platforms activity.
Virtual Courses Students now have a chance to study far away from the center with virtual courses. It gives access to: Tests and exams. Downloadable lessons. Ability to send messages directly to the teacher.
Internal mail box system. Online Virtual courses. > Manage the centers infrastructure data. Monitor and log the platforms activity.
Present courses The platform allows to manage most of the teachers work, avoiding unnecessary redundancy and better organization. Manage lessons and other information. Manage attendance lists. Set up tests and exams. Follow the progression of his students.
Internal mail box system. Online Virtual courses. Present courses. > Monitor and log the platforms activity.
Infrastructure management The platform permits an advanced management of most of the centers resources, allowing a better control of the center. Manage class room information. Set the timetables for each group and teacher. Create groups of students. Accounting management.
Internal mail box system. Online Virtual courses. Present courses. Manage the centers infrastructure data. >
Activity monitor Necessary to offer a quality service, every user request is saved and linked to the platforms activity list. This control permits to verify the correct use of the platform.
Environmental conservation Less paper used. 95% less photocopies made, minimizing the use of inks. With the ability to start and continue a course without needing to travel to the center, the use of contaminating vehicles is reduced.
Future projects Control a special class room with computers and use it like a “cyber- cafe” for users without access to Internet at home. Offer a service to view classes over Internet in real time with streaming video.