A Systems Approach to Revitalizing Organizations Barbara Harrison ABWA Round Up Tubac, Arizona August 24,
Elements of an Organization Reward Systems People Processes Structure Strategy Adapted from Jay Galbraith Behavior Perfor- mance Culture Customer Leadership External Environment 2
Factors beyond the boundary of the organization that may directly or indirectly affect its performance or outcomes such as: The economy Role of women in business Demographics Technology 3 Diagnostic Questions How has the external environment changed in the past decade? How do these changes affect ABWA’s vision or mission? The needs of its customers? How can ABWA remain relevant?
Customer Receives value from the products or services of the organization Communicates needs and interests Provides feedback on value received 4 Who is ABWA’s Customer? Diagnostic Questions What value does ABWA provide to its customers? What other organizations provide similar or better value? Who is ABWA competing with for members? What is ABWA doing to attract new customers? Leadership
National Level: Sets direction for the Organization Determines empowerment Provides organization-level communication Establishes the culture and models critical behaviors Chapter Level: Sets direction for the Chapter Provides information to members Models the culture and critical behaviors 5 Diagnostic Questions How effective are the leaders at all levels? What examples do they set for others? Are leaders excited about the vision and mission? What is the current organization culture? How well does this fit the membership? Leadership
Strategy National Level: Provides the organization vision, mission Establishes National strategies and goals Establishes overall direction and priorities Sets financial objectives / expectations Chapter Level: Sets goals for the Chapter Establishes direction and priorities for the Chapter Sets financial goals for the Chapter 6 Diagnostic Questions Are the vision and mission still relevant in today’s environment? Do they set it apart from other groups? Is there a clear strategy for growing ABWA? Is it supported by resources? Are the financial goals realistic? Leadership
Structure National Level: Creates the organization structure, including Regional Councils, Chapters Defines roles and responsibilities for elected officers, Chapters, Councils Creates project teams, as needed for national-level activities Chapter Level: Tailors roles and responsibilities for elected officers to fit Chapter needs Creates project teams, as needed, for local activities 7 Diagnostic Questions Does the structure support the work of the ABWA? Are leader and member roles clear? Are the level and scope of responsibilities reasonable? Are there other organizations with whom a partnership would make sense? Do Chapters have the right level of empowerment? Leadership
Processes National Level: Creates and maintains organization operating processes, such as: Internal/external communication & meetings Decision authority and decision making Learning and personal development Financial assistance (e.g. fundraising, grants) Chapter Level: Creates and maintains Chapter operating processes, such as: Communication and meetings Decision making Networking, member recruitment and retention 8 Diagnostic Questions Which process work well? Which need to be improved? Does the right information get to where it needs to be? How effective are meetings? Conferences? Are decisions being made at the right level? Leadership
Rewards & Recognition National Level: Recognizes achievements of Individuals, Councils, Chapters Develops incentives for performance Tracks and reports metrics Chapter Level: Recognizes member contributions Nominates Chapter members for National awards 9 Diagnostic Questions Are members/chapters being rewarded for behaviors and actions that support the vision and values of ABWA? Are members receiving the type of recognition they expect from membership? Leadership
People National Level: Sponsors leadership development activities and programs Provides marketing and member recruitment and training strategies and support Chapter Level: Provides orientation for new members Supports member learning and development Enables sharing and development of individual member knowledge and skills to increase members’ business success 10 Diagnostic Questions How effective is ABWA’s marketing to potential members? What knowledge and skills do members expect to gain? Do current programs provide these? Leadership
Some Signs of Trouble Declining membership Lack of interest in organization events or resources Members unwilling to take on leadership roles Ineffective meetings; poorly attended meetings Finger pointing and blaming; personal attacks Organization ignores controversial topics that are critical to its success Members hesitate to ask for help or provide constructive feedback Revisit discussions and decisions again and again Missed deadlines for key deliverables People are working toward individual goals 11
Visioning the future… If ABWA were a vibrant organization, what would it look like? What types of people would belong? What value would it provide? What would differentiate it from other organizations with similar membership? 12 Leadership