TRIUMPH Meeting Cork P. Vorreau WP1 Universität Karlsruhe (TH) Institute of High-Frequency and Quantum Electronics.


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Presentation transcript:

TRIUMPH Meeting Cork P. Vorreau WP1 Universität Karlsruhe (TH) Institute of High-Frequency and Quantum Electronics

University of Karlsruhe (TH)  Institute of High-Frequency and Quantum Electronics 2 Participants List  Voting Power ???  X of 8 ?? Lfd. Nr.NameTitleFirst NameInstitutionCountry 1Ellis (1) Dr.AndrewUniversity College CorkIreland 2Vorreau (1) Mr.PhilippUniversität KarlsruheGermany 3Parmigiani (1)Dr.Francesca University of Southampton, ORC United Kingdom 4SpyropoulouMrs.MariaAITGreece 5WeerasuriyaMr.RuwanUCCIreland 6Zarris (1) Mr.GeorgeUniversity of Essex United Kingdom

University of Karlsruhe (TH)  Institute of High-Frequency and Quantum Electronics 3 Agenda 10:00-10:05 Welcome Note and Agenda (P. Vorreau) 10:05-11:15WP1 Discussion (Next Meetings, Phone Conferences) 11:15-12:30WP3– Node Implementation Results (UKA) 12:30-13:30 Break 13:30-15:00WP6– Upcoming Node Demo (UoE) 15:00-16:00WP5– OTDM to WDM and vv (UCC, ORC + other) 16:00-17:00WP4– Fibre Regenerator (ORC) 17:00-17:30Open questions / other Afterwards Dinner

University of Karlsruhe (TH)  Institute of High-Frequency and Quantum Electronics 4 Next Meeting and Conference Call Meeting: M34: December 2008  Southampton (ORC) Date still to be decided !!! (suggestion: 5 th ) Conference Call: To be decided on Southampton meeting  next CC in January 2009

University of Karlsruhe (TH)  Institute of High-Frequency and Quantum Electronics 5 News in TRIUMPH Budget Distribution: Grant for M25-M36 distributed by coordinator team Some partners have underspend in the last period  Each partner needs to check financial status immediately  If the requested money can not be spend, we need to reallocate the budget between partners to keep the money within the project  Otherwise financial damages could arise  Further discussion by in November 2008

University of Karlsruhe (TH)  Institute of High-Frequency and Quantum Electronics 6 Review Recommendations: Progress The project should revise their IPR strategy in order to live up to the statement given in WP7. (NSN, all) The manufacturability plan given in D7.2 during the first project year should be revisited. (NSN) The potential components and subsystems manufacturers for all critical subsystems should be identified and approached. A consortium strategy and time plan on these matters should be implemented. The project should define a cost/performance target for the integrated system and sub-systems. Other disseminations actions apart from technical publications should be addressed to increase the project visibility (e.g. demonstrations in conference co-located show cases). (done at ECOC: flyer and video) The project must strengthen the contribution to standardization bodies (e.g. IEEE HSSG 100G Ethernet). (???) The project activity report and quarterly management reports for the final period should be more synthetic and concise (focusing only on key results and achievements). (all)

University of Karlsruhe (TH)  Institute of High-Frequency and Quantum Electronics 7 Timeline in TRIUMPH

University of Karlsruhe (TH)  Institute of High-Frequency and Quantum Electronics 8 Deliverables (M30-M36) October 2008 (M32) M30 D3.4 Report on the switch implementation and performance optimization for the different technologies [UKA] M31 D3.2 Assembly of optical switch node [UKA] M31 D5.4 Implementation of the WDM to OTDM and OTDM to WDM converter [UCC] M32 D4.8 Report on the perfor. of Fib.-based multi-wavel 2R sig. regenerator [ORC] M36 D1.5 Final Report [UKA] M36 D6.1 Final lab validation of the network with all the sub-systems delivered in this project, in the chosen optical node architecture (WP3) and involving the network scenarios developed in WP2 [UoE] M36 D6.2 Report on the results of the trials and lab validation activities [UoE] M36 D7.5 Final plan for using and disseminating knowledge [NSN]

University of Karlsruhe (TH)  Institute of High-Frequency and Quantum Electronics 9 Project Status (topic discussed at Athens meeting Jul 08) Subsystem UKA and UoE until M24 (Adore M31) WDM to OTDM, OTDM to WDM, Fibre and QD SOA 2R regenerator Final Demonstration based on a lab testbed - UoE until M36 Final assembly of optical Node + UKA Until M31 Shipping NSN Equipment Partner Equipment ADORE for testing also to UKA Purchase Equipment for an independently working subsystem M32 Partner Equipment

University of Karlsruhe (TH)  Institute of High-Frequency and Quantum Electronics 10 Agenda 10:00-10:05 Welcome Note and Agenda (P. Vorreau) 10:05-11:15WP1 Discussion (Next Meetings, Phone Conferences) 11:15-12:30WP3– Node Implementation Results (UKA) 12:30-13:30 Break 13:30-15:00WP6– Upcoming Node Demo (UoE) 15:00-16:00WP5– OTDM to WDM and vv (UCC, ORC + other) 16:00-17:00WP4– Fibre Regenerator (ORC) 17:00-17:30Open questions / other Afterwards Dinner