Alcohol Testing Done Affordably Mike Suchocki
Covered Topics Reasons for testingReasons for testing Types of alcohol testsTypes of alcohol tests How alcohol testers workHow alcohol testers work Personal devices for alcohol testingPersonal devices for alcohol testing Advantages and DisadvantagesAdvantages and Disadvantages
Reasons for Testing Prosecute drunk drivers Ensure sober employees Recognize alcohol abuse Personal knowledge of impairment
Types of Tests Blood - Standard for alcohol testing (BAC)Blood - Standard for alcohol testing (BAC) Breath - Four different typesBreath - Four different types Urine - quantitatively inaccurateUrine - quantitatively inaccurate Saliva - Correlation with BAC unknownSaliva - Correlation with BAC unknown Sobriety - series of tests to judge impairmentSobriety - series of tests to judge impairment
Blood Alcohol Testing Uses Gas Chromatography
Breath Alcohol Testing BreathalyzerBreathalyzer IntoxilyzerIntoxilyzer Fuel Cell DetectorFuel Cell Detector SemiconductorSemiconductor All based on different principles Has a correlation of 1 to 2100 breath to blood ratio
Breathalyzer Uses a chemical reaction to cause a color change
Intoxilyzer Measures the Wavelengths of bonds in Alcohol With the Absorption of IR light
Fuel Cell Detector Process of oxidizing alcohol An alcohol molecule can free a certain number of electrons
Semiconductor Measures a current produced by a voltage on a transition metal oxide Alcohol in contact with the bead causes a change of resistivity
Breath Testing Devices Breathalyzer - $ Intoxilyzer - $60-6,000 Fuel Cell - $480 (portable) Semiconductor - $40 (portable)
References ae4.htm ae4.htm ae4.htm ae4.htm