1 MRTD Programme: Consolidating Comprehensive Security and Enhancing Facilitation Mauricio Siciliano Mauricio Siciliano ICAO MRTD Programme ICAO/McGill.


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Presentation transcript:

1 MRTD Programme: Consolidating Comprehensive Security and Enhancing Facilitation Mauricio Siciliano Mauricio Siciliano ICAO MRTD Programme ICAO/McGill Worldwide Conference and Exhibitions Montreal, 26 September 2010

Search for a More Comprehensive Security Approach The lessons of the Detroit bombing plot Highlighted the limitations of narrowly-defined AVSEC screening Mobilised political will to explore a broader security perspective, including:  closer avsec integration with border security  Intelligence-led solutions and profiling  Data sharing and enhanced inter-agency cooperation  Intensified capacity-building effort in weak/fragile countries that export insecurity 2

Search for a More Comprehensive Security Approach “For terrorists, travel documents are as important as weapons” – 9/11 Commission Report Robust identity management and travel document security is the foundation and pre-condition for all intelligence-led solutions to combat terrorism and trans- border crime! 3

Search for a More Comprehensive Security Approach Post-Detroit high-level political commitments calling for a more comprehensive security approach The EU-US Joint Declaration on Aviation Security (Toledo Declaration). Objectives include:  “to identify individuals who pose a risk to our security as early as possible by bolstering the security of and our confidence in travel documents, the use of biometrics, and passenger screening, so can prevent such individuals from travelling and posing the threat ”  “”to work together and with other international partners … toward greater international travel security” 4

5 Effective security needs a system that is built on global harmonization, effective information exchange, industry/government cooperation, risk assessment and efficient technology Doc 9303 – solid and established – 30 th anniversary (TAG-MRTD/NTWG) Sets global MRTD standards and specifications (MR passports, visas and ID cards) Global interoperability Solid Global Strategy and Partnership for Implementation and Capacity Building (TAG-MRTD/ICBWG) ICAO MRTD Programme

6 Human & MachineReadable MachineReadable Example: MR Passport offering:  Standardized "Holder Details Page" layout Photo Machine Readable Summary Country Code Doc Number Name Nationality Date of Birth Sex Date of Issue Date of Expiry MRTD Benefits Realized

77 Benefits Greatly Enhanced with eMRTD Next Generation MRTD Enhanced Facilitation and Security

8 The ICAO PKD established to support the global interoperability of ePassport validation Act as a central broker to manage the exchange of certificates and certificate revocation lists Act as a central broker to manage the exchange of certificates and certificate revocation lists This central role is critical to minimise the volume of certificates being exchanged, to ensure timely uploads and to manage adherence to technical standards to ensure interoperability is achieved and maintained ICAO PKD

9 Enhances BOTH Facilitation and Security:  Facilitates the inspection process – incl. the recording of arrival and departure details  Strengthens border and national security  Prevents identity fraud  Automates criminal intelligence solutions (e.g. watchlists for lost or stolen documents, persons of interest etc. ) Enhanced Security + Improved Facilitation MRTD Benefits Realized

10 Narrows further opportunities for identity fraud Enables immediate deployment of face biometric based checks against watchlists Supports deployment of pre-enrolled automated Border Clearance Machines (Kiosks), where appropriate Addresses ENFORCEMENT needs Better means of confirming a persons true identity (via biometrics) improves ability to successfully undertake and conclude a criminal proceeding, inquiry and adjudication Benefits Contributed: eMRTD

11 Originally – emphasis on producing and issuing secure MRTDs TAG/MRTD 19 confirmed expanding MRTD agenda INCLUDING - Pre-issuing identity management: civil registries and breeder docs Use of MRTDs in border controls, incl. combating document fraud Assisting in establishing intelligence-led border security applications based on data sharing and inter-agency cooperation Electronic Immigration Clearances for Travel, entry and/or Stay (i.e. eBorders in the UK - Take action against people before they go to the airport in the UK - over 5,000 arrests) Strengthening the MRTD programme’s technical assistance, implementation and capacity building MRTD Expanding its Scope

12 Global comprehensive-led that would integrate current AVSEC screening policies and practices with national and border security based on effective data sharing and inter-agency cooperation Passenger data collection: Make passenger data collection and sharing more efficient  break down internal silos to create a single data collection  sharing program that could serve as a model for implementation by other governments ICAO to lead on these issues Message to international community

Thank you very much! Mauricio Siciliano MRTD Officer 13